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Q: Which planet is represented by a trident?
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What is the planet Neptune's planet sign?

Neptune's sign is a trident.

What planet is notated by trident by physicists?

The symbol of a trident is used to represent the planet Neptune in physics and astronomy. Neptune is the eighth and farthest known planet from the sun in our solar system.

Which planet represent by a trident?

The planet Neptune is often associated with a trident in astrology. Neptune is the ruler of Pisces and is linked to the realm of mysticism, dreams, and intuition. The trident is a symbol of Neptune's authority over the seas and the subconscious mind.

What planet is named after the god of the sea and what is its symbol?

Neptune is named after the god of the sea. The symbol is a trident. This is because the god of the sea, Neptune, is generally associated with a trident.

What planet is repesented by a trident?

Neptune, after the Roman god of the sea, whose Greek counterpart is Poseidon.

What planet does Hebe represent?

Hebe is the goddess of youth in Greek mythology. She does not represent a planet.

What was the name of Poseidons trident?

It does not have a known name apart from 'trident'.

What does the trident symbol mean?

The trident is most commonly associated with Neptune the god of the oceans and seas. It appears in nautical tattoos and is used in a stylised form to represent the planet Neptune. In tassology (tea leaf reading) it should be interpreted as: Trident -prongs up ® Gain through the sea, journey by water, sailor coming into your life. -prong down Loss through water.

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What did the greek god Poseidon use as his weapon?

His Trident.

What weapon does Poseidon yield?

Poseidon have a trident that can shake the earth and any object.

What is trident feature?

A trident feature is a tine.