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Q: Which three gods and goddesses hate troy?
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Who were the gods and goddesses who took the side of Troy in the Trojan war?

Zeus, Artemis and probably Apollo.

Did Aphrodite Hera Athena Ares Poseidon Apollo Artemis and Zeus during the Trojan war favor Troy or Greece?

The Gods/Goddesses that supported the Greeks:AthenaHeraPoseidonThe Gods/Goddesses that supported the Trojans:AphroditeAresApolloArtemisZeus

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Why did Athena hate the Trojans?

Athena didn't like the Trojans because of a contest between her, Aphrodite, and Hera. Paris, a prince of Troy, had to pick the most beautiful out of the three goddesses and he picked Aphrodite. This caused Athena to hold a grudge against the Trojans.

What is the religion of ancient troy?

Almost all of the Greek people worshipped the gods and goddesses, but there was no universal belief system throughout Greece. There were many different cults that held specific beliefs.

Why did telemachus go on a voyage?

He was called by King Meneleus of Sparta to help him avenge the theft of his wife (and thus his honour and reputation) by Paris of Troy.

Why was Helen abducted?

Helen of Troy was abducted by Paris, a prince of Troy, due to a combination of love and the will of the gods. Paris fell in love with Helen, who was considered the most beautiful woman in the world, and their elopement triggered the Trojan War as a result.

Why are the gods mad when Greece defeats troy?

The legend is that the gods were divided - some supported Troy, others supported the Achaean invaders.

Why were the gods in the Trojan war?

The goddesses Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena argued about who was the prettiest and Paris of Troy was chosen to be the judge. He picked Aphrodite because she promised him his choice of women to marry. Paris chose Helen even though she was already married. This started the war. And the gods had their favorite champions in the fighting.

What god did troy worship?

Troy is believed to have worshipped a variety of gods, including Zeus, Apollo, Athena, and Aphrodite, among others. The Trojan gods and goddesses played significant roles in their mythology and were often invoked in daily life and rituals.

What is the outcome of the story of Iliad and odyssey?

The Odessey is about a warrior named Odyseus who goes to fight the troujans at Troy(more in the iliad) and his desperate struggle to get home to his wife and son. on his way he encounters gods and goddesses but even with help from the gods he has to endure the worst challenges and dangers one of the worst and well known being the cyclops.