In greek mythology he was the God of war and stragies. He was the son of Zues.
Because her husband Zeus is the king of Olympians and therefore Hera is the queen of Olympians
Yes, Tyr was the Norse god of war and justice. Two other gods were also associated with warfare: Freya - goddess of war, battle, fertility, wealth, beauty, love, and death. Odin - god of war and wisdom.
Owls, wisdom, and war.
Nike was born before the olympians! She is one of the oldest goddesses. she had 3 powerful brothers and helped Zuez with the Titan war!
The Olympians
Just that, The Great War
The Titanomachy, which resulted from the death of Cronus.
they have the to pratice for two yearsfor two years
There are two birds widely associated with war, The Vulture and the Carrion Crow. They have both been seen circling the field of a finished fight and are thus associated.
Yes, he plays a part in the Trojan War. he was in Percy Jackson. in god of war and the Olympians
Little Bighorn was between the US and the American Indian and the war of 1812 was between the US and Britain. The two are not associated with each other
Anything not associated with the actions of Great Britain during that time frame is "not" associated with the war of 1812.
After defeating the Titans, they all became the olympians.
In greek mythology he was the God of war and stragies. He was the son of Zues.
Hera was the queen of the Olympians
It wasn't hades, it was ares