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Q: Which two continents did beringia once connect?
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What two continents does beringia connect?

Alaska and Siberia

Which two continents did the beringia land bridge connect?

The Beringia land bridge connected the continents of Asia and North America during the last Ice Age, allowing for human migration between the two regions.

Which continents did beringia connect?

Beringia connected Asia with North America during the last Ice Age, serving as a land bridge between the two continents. This connection allowed for the migration of humans and animals between the two continents. Today, Beringia is submerged under the Bering Sea.

What two land masses did the Beringia connect?

The Beringia connected Siberia and North America

What two continents does the beringia land bridge connect?

It is believed that there was a land bridge, knaown as Beringia, during the last Ice Age which allowed the crossing of man and mammal from Asia to the North American continent.~New World Encyclopedia

Is Beringia a continent?

Possibly. Because Beringia was made up of two continents, that should make it a larger continent.

What did beringia connect?

Beringia connected Asia and North America during the last Ice Age. It served as a land bridge that allowed plants, animals, and eventually humans to cross between the two continents.

Beringia connected what two continents?

The two continents that were connected by that stupid land bridge that I have no Idea what it is called but I really don't care I believe the two continents that were connected were North America and Europe. If you have a problem with this answer please call this number: (631)-943-4460. And by the way I hate puppies. I also hate everything in this world and in our milky-way.

What was the land bridge during the ice ages called?

The land bridge that connected Asia and North America during the ice ages is called Beringia. This allowed early humans and animals to migrate between the two continents.

Which two continents were connected by a land bridge?

North America and Asia were connected by a land bridge known as Beringia during the last ice age.

What continents connected during the ice age?

During the last Ice Age, North America and Asia were connected by a land bridge known as Beringia. This connection facilitated the migration of humans and animals between the two continents.

What two continents were allowed to migrate by the Ice Age?

During the Ice Age, North America and Asia were connected by a land bridge called Beringia. This allowed species, including early humans, to migrate between the two continents.