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It was based of fortnightly meetings of the citizens (adult males 18 years and over) where all decisions were made. The council between meetings implemented these decisions and carried out day-to-day administration.

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All adult male citizens were eligible to vote , hold political office and serve on juries..

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Q: Which was a major characteristics of Democracy in ancient Athens?
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What are the characteristics of ancient Athens?

Some major characteristics of Ancient Athens are that they teach citizens to read and write, sports, warfare, and the gods and goddesses such as Zeus, Hera, Apollo ect...

Was a major characteristic of democracy of ancient Athens?

All adult male citizens were eligible to vote , hold political office and serve on juries..

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What was a major characteristic in ancient Athens?

It was the birthplace of democracy, for starters. Even though it was not a total democracy itself, the idea of a democratic government has evolved and altered over time and has made important contributions to our system of government today.

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What are the two major cities in Ancient Greece?

Athens and Sparta.

What were the major and important events in ancient Athens?

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What were the major contributions of ancient Athens to western civilization?

Of all the cultures to have influenced contemporary Western civilization, Ancient Greece is perhaps the most powerful. According to, the imprint of the ancient Greeks on Western society spans such diverse areas as politics, philosophy, science, art, architecture and sports. Additionally, according to, the impact of Greek literature cannot possibly be overestimated.

What was a major issue with fifth century democracy in Athens?

When the limited democracy developed into a radical democracy, where the citizens in fortnightly assembly made the decisions and the coulcil carried them out, this became open to too much influence by the skilled orators, some of whom led the people astray, into a devastating war, and massive loss of lives. After this loss, the democratic process was limited to a more balanced level.