There are a lot of gods and goddesses in mythology, but here are the Greek and Roman ones (which are nearly the same): Zeus (Roman Name: Jupiter/Jove)---God of lightning, king of the gods Hera (Roman Name: Juno)---Goddess of marriage, queen of the gods Poseidon (Roman Name: Neptune)---God of the sea, father of horses Hades (Roman Name: Pluto)---God of the underworld Athena (Roman Name: Minerva)---Goddess of wisdom, arts, and war Apollo (Roman Name: Apollo)---God of the sun (can be Helios), music, healing Artemis (Roman Name: Diana)---Goddess of the hunt, goddess of wild things Aphrodite (Roman Name: Venus)---Goddess of love and beauty Hermes (Roman Name: Mercury)---God of messangers, theives, travellers, merchants Ares (Roman Name: Mars)---God of War Hephaestus (Roman Name: Vulcan)---Lame (as in crippled) god of forge and fire Hestia (Roman Name: Vesta)---Goddess of the hearth and home Demeter (Roman Name: Ceres)---Goddess of agriculture Eros (Roman Name: Cupid)---God of love Hebe (Only Greek)---Goddess of youth Iris (Only Greek)---Goddess of the rainbow Persephone (Roman Name: Proserpina)---Goddess of flowers Dionysus (Roman Name:Bacchus)---God of wine
No: it is the food of the gods and goddesses of Olympus.
Mythology does not give us the birthdays of gods and goddesses.
Zeus was the god of all gods and goddesses
In Greek mythology, the gods and goddesses lived on Mount Olympus.
There are 12 major Greek gods and goddesses, known as the Olympians, but there are also many minor gods and goddesses in Greek mythology, making the total number of Greek gods difficult to determine.
There are twelve main gods and goddesses(the Olympians), but there are lots of other minor gods and goddesses in Greek mythology.
None of them. Gods and goddesses have to be immortal in Greek Mythology.
No one in the modern world is related to the Greek gods and goddesses; they are mythology.
There are not only a few gods and goddesses. In greek and roman mythology, their are tons of gods and goddesses
In Greek mythology, the gods/goddesses were the children of Gaia(mother earth) and Uranus(the sky).
the Ennead were the major gods and goddesses
In Greek/Roman mythology, the gods are all an extended family.
Yes. In Greek Mythology all the Gods and Goddesses are shown to have both a good and bad side.
Over 1,500 names of Egyptian gods and goddesses have been recorded.
The ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses did not die in ancient Egyptian mythology.
To love the Gods/Goddesses