Achilleus (son of Thetis)
Aeacus (son of Zeus)
Aeneas (son of Aphrodite)
Agenor (son of Poseidon)
Amphion (son of Zeus)
Arcas (son of Zeus)
Asclepius (son of Apollo)
Belus (son of Poseidon)
As a constellation it was to represent Zeus.
Click link below for a list!
Any water-bearing or urn bearing god is an Aquarian god
Zeus is the "God" of the "Gods"...He is the ultimate god.His Lightning Bolts are the most powerful thing in the world.Zeus was famous for being the king of all gods and to look after the whole of greece.
most of them- the most famous is Zeus. Not hestia, Artemis or hera though.
There are lots, but here are the most famous ones: Achilles, Perseus, Jason, Hercules/Heracles and Theseus.
He had alot but some famous ones are Perseus and Hercules
Perseus, Heracleas,
No, most Greek myths are based around gods or demi-gods.
the convection included most of the leading statesmen of the day
believe it or not, Demi got Selena famous!! Dianna Lovato, Demi's mom, drove Selena and Demi to an audition.
demi gods
Hades' friends are the Gods and demi-gods that reside with him in the Underworld.
the convection included most of the leading statesmen of the day
To be honest, there are too many gods, demi gods heroes and mortals to list them all.
The gods themselves, first. Then their demi-god children. Then their human constituency.