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The people who commanded the armies and ran the legal system were called Praetors. They were appointed by the Roman government.

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Q: Who commanded armies and oversaw the legal system?
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What was the form of political organization in ancient Egypt?

Egypt has been a country for a very long time under an incredible variety of legal and governmental systems. Without specifying which era of Egyptian history "was" refers to, it would be impossible to answer the question.

What is ius respondendi?

When a legal authority's explanation of law becomes official and gains legal power. This was seen in ancient Rome when the court allowed to base legal arguments on five legal authorities of that time and their words and explanations of law gained power equal to that of the law.

How have the systems of law dating from ancient Rome influenced the US legal system?

The Roman government is very civilized, just like ours. Julius Caesar was the first to establish the Empire, but was not called the First Real Emperor. Augustus Caesar was actually was called that title. They went from a monarchy to a republic to a empire (dictatorship). They had well planed communities and so do we, how their consuls ran the empire is very similar to how the president and/or mayor runs the country/town.

The athenian ruler Draco made several reforms including?

a written legal code that applied to all citizens.

What were the Babylonian collection of laws?

I think it is the code of Hammurabi, written by Hammurabi, one of the laws were: •an eye for an eye a hand for hand Which means if you cut off someone else's hand, they have the right to go to the judge and the judge can cut off your hand… But it matters what class you are in. If a rich person cuts off a slave, it's okay… maybe the rich person has to pay one coin, made by the Lydians.

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