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It was Alexander the great from ancient Athens. He counquered many place's known to man in ancient Athens.

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Q: Who declared himself a living god?
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The emperor who demanded to be called god was Caligula, who ruled from 37 AD to 41 AD. He declared himself a living god and demanded worship from his subjects, going so far as to have statues and temples erected in his honor. This megalomaniac behavior was one of the many factors that contributed to his eventual assassination.

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No one declared himself dictator. The office of dictator could only be granted by the senate.No one declared himself dictator. The office of dictator could only be granted by the senate.No one declared himself dictator. The office of dictator could only be granted by the senate.No one declared himself dictator. The office of dictator could only be granted by the senate.No one declared himself dictator. The office of dictator could only be granted by the senate.No one declared himself dictator. The office of dictator could only be granted by the senate.No one declared himself dictator. The office of dictator could only be granted by the senate.No one declared himself dictator. The office of dictator could only be granted by the senate.No one declared himself dictator. The office of dictator could only be granted by the senate.

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She was not usually deified. The pharaoh Akhnaten (King Tut's father) deified he wife Nerfertiti while she was still living (and declared himself a god also). The pharaoh's wife was not given a special title.

Why was the devil throwen out of heaven?

He aspired to have a throne for himself set above the throne of God, and convinced one third of the heavenly host (the angels) to rebel with him and declared war on God. When he lost he was thrown out of heaven.

What effects of reformation is most obvious in the US government?

goverment documents are declared void if they refer to GOD directly

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Indeed Napoleon declared himself "Emperor of the French" and not King of France, what wouldn't have been tolerated by French people.

Why was Jesus the one sent here on Earth why not God be the one to make himself man and communicate with us people?

It is one of the fundamental doctrines of the Catholic Faith and almost all other Christian denominations that Jesus Christ was God. Christ Himself declared His divine origin and nature and repeatedly did acts and said things to reinforce this truth. Based on this, God did indeed make Himself man and communicate with us people.

What did Napoleon declare in 1804?

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