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Q: Who developed a theory about right triangles in ancient Greece?
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What theory of ancient Indian history has recently been disproved?

Aryan invasion theory

What was the early modern political theory modeled on ancient Greek and Roman ideas that a just and stable society required citizens to subordinate their individual interests to support common good?


When did the caste system start?

There is no known definite start of the caste system in India, however there are several theories. One theory is that the caste system is not ancient, but was started during British rule in India, between 1860 and 1920. Another theory is that the caste system was started when the Aryans moved into the Indus Valley at around 1500 BC. A genetic theory suggests that the caste system started about 1900 years ago, or about 1000 AD.

Did Ancient greek culture lay a foundation for western civilization for art?

Too many areas to mentionFirst of All, language, latin is based off of Eutruscian and Greek, and Latin is the Root of Italian, French, parts of English, Spanish, Portuguese and more laguagues responsible for Western thinking.Art, and Architecture ancient Greek Art is still used, statues, marble and painting in tradition styles still exist as well as pottery, mosaics, and even the idea of the Artisic Building or Architecture still plays a huge role in our society, giving us many styles of building like the state and federal capitols, anything with an exposed column comes from Ancient Greece.Olympics and Sports the ancient Greeks pride themselves in Sports, they are the founders of the ancient Olympics, we honor the nation every 2/4years with them leading the Opening Ceremonies, and the Greek National anthem is sung, and the Olympic Anthem is written and sung in Greek (for the ancient Olympics) and French (to commemorate the founding ethinicity of the modern Olympic Games) By they way, Gymnasium, is a greek word meaning place of lie.philosophy, mathematics, enigineeringthe Greeks deveoloped complex hypothesis regarding math and physics, and even engineering. Such examples are the introduction of Pi...for circles, the PAthagorian Theorum, the rationalization of zero, and the concept of infinant numbers and and fractions. Greeks built four of the 7 wonders of th world, the Temple of Artimis, the Collosus at Rhoodes, the Great mossoleum, the Pharos Lighthouse (built in Egypt but designed by Greeks during the Greek ownership of Egypt) and the Temple of Zeus and the Great Library of Alexandria. Only the Pyramids and Hanging Gardens of Babylon were not constructed by the Greeks.Greeks developed great strides in Philosophical thinking and psychology, basing many studies off of parent-child relationships. We get terms of philosophy from Ancient Greece like Utopia (which is Greek for no place basically it doesnt exist).Legends were passed even into the Middle Ages and the Rennaisance, Greek gods and goddesses stories and legends were portreyed as theatre evens for royalty during the Tudor era and have survived to be included in Shakespeare's plays (MidSummer Night's Dream) and there are tons of other mytholical references in the playsTheatre and Educations were introduced by Greece, the Greeks developed the Grecian theatre which laid the croundwork for the Colliseum. Theatres and dramas were a major step up from story telling, rather it became story showing. Education was highly prized in Greece, the Greeks built workshops, and sponsored inventors to build wonderful machines, like toilets, heated pools, and even war machines.Politics were influenced by the Greeks, democracy, republics were all ancient forms of Greek city-state politics and eventually adopted by Rome, Europe, America and all over the world.AgricultureCertain foods were first made and produced in Greece, including Wine, Olive oil, octopus, and certain other types of fish, as well as certain agricultural styles like how to till the land, the idea of crop rotation.The Greeks gave us sciences like Astronomy, Physics, and Medicine there is evidence that Greek scientists preformed ancient sureries for teeth, heads, arms and legs, as well asponder their existence and hypothesises in the universe.

Where was Otzi going when he died?

There are heaps of theories out there and people are still thinking of more possibilities, but the three main theories would be: The Trader Theory, The Blacksmith Theory and The Warrior Theory. Even though The Warrior Theory may sound the most convincing, and may have the most evidence doesn't stop other theories from being correct as well. For Example, Otzi could of been a peasant that had to salvage what he could find in order to survive. There are many theories out there in the world, and here is a list of a few for you. - Shepherd Theory - Trader Theory - Blacksmith Theory - Warrior Theory - Peasant Theory - Cheiften Theory - Farmer Theory - Blacksmith/Warrior Theory - Cheiften/Warrior Theory - Trader/Blacksmith Theory - Farmer/Shepherd Theory

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Ancient Greece; before Biblical times.

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The geocentric model, also known as the Ptolemaic system, is a theory that was developed by philosophers in Ancient Greece and was named after the in science and technology, the geocentric model seems preposterous.

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One of the scientists who developed the therory of elliptical orbits for the planets around the Sun was Johannes Kepler.

Who was the promoter of the heliocentric theory?

In ancient Greece, Aristarchus of Samos suggested it. The theory was proposed in more modern times by Copernicus.

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The social contract theory, proposed by philosophers like Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, has had a significant influence on the development of modern political systems. This theory suggests that individuals willingly give up some freedoms in exchange for protection and preservation of their rights, which forms the basis of the state's authority.

Who developed the theory about right triangles?

I don't know but it would be kind of HARD to figure out! So I think know one really knows!??

When the atomic theory begin?

It began with Democritus, who lived in ancient Greece. He didnt study atoms, but he did concept the idea of them

Was obesity a problem in ancient Greece?

Obesity was around in Ancient Greece but it was never seen as a bad thing. In fact obesity was a good sign as it showed off how rich you and your family were. This theory is still used in poor countries to show your wealth.

Who develop a theory about right triangles?


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Plate tectonic theory was officially developed in 1912. It was developed by Alfred Wegener through his continental drift theory.