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King menes married a princess from the lower Egypt.

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Q: Who did king Menes marry?
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Related questions

Who did king menes marry and did he marry?

King menes married a princess from the lower egypt. No one knows exactly who.

Who did Menes marry?

King menes married a princess from the lower Egypt.

What princess did king menes marry?

He married princess Neihotpe

What was King Menes's first name?

King Narmer Menes.

Who was the leader in Egypt in 3100 BC?

Pharaoh Menes also known as the scorpion king

What king united Egypt?

the first king of comnined Egypt was menes

What is the significance of King Menes who live around 3100 BC?

King Menes was the one that defeated the King of lower Egypt. After it was all over King Menes had united both lands together.

Who married king menes?

King menes married a princess from the lower Egypt.

True or false did king Menes have a dad?

yes king menes did to have a dad.

Who owned Lower Egypt when King Menes united Egypt?

King Menes

Were did king menes live?

king menes was born in Memphis

What was the city King Menes built?

King Menes built the city Memphis