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their mother died and their father could not cope so the news spread and the king ordered his servants to kidnap the babies and put them on the tiber river to die.then a wolf found them and looked after them.

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Q: Who discovered Romulus and Remus first when they were abandoned to die in the River Tiber?
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What is the story of romules and remus?

Romulus (c. 771 BC 717 BC) and Remus (c. 771 BC 753 BC) are the traditional founders of Rome, appearing in Roman mythology as the twinsons of the priestess Rhea Silvia, fathered by the god of war, Mars. According to the tradition recorded as history by Plutarch and Livy, Romulus served as the first King of Rome. Romulus slew Remus over a dispute about which one of the two brothers had the support of the local deities to rule the new city and give it his name. The name they gave the city was Rome. Supposedly, Romulus had stood on one hill and Remus another, and a circle of birds flew over Romulus, signifying that he should be king. After founding Rome, Romulus not only created the Roman Legions and the Roman Senate, but also added citizens to his new city by abducting the women of the neighboring Sabine tribes, which resulted in the mixture of the Sabines and Romans into one people. Romulus would become ancient Rome's greatest conqueror, adding large amounts of territory and people to the dominion of Rome. After his death, Romulus was deified as the god Quirinus, the divine persona of the Roman people. He now is regarded as a mythological figure, and it is supposed that his name is a back-formation from the name Rome, which may ultimately derive from a word for "river". Some scholars, notably Andrea Carandini believe in the historicity of Romulus, in part because of the 1988 discovery of the Murus Romuli on the north slope of the Palatine Hill in Rome. Romulus and Remus are pre-eminent among the famous feral children in mythology and fiction.From Legendary founder and first King of Rome. Romulus and Remus were sons of Mars and a, Rhea Silvia. The war god having forced, the infants were set in a small boat on the flooded Tiber, but it was washed ashore and they were rescued and suckled by a she wolf., the royal, discovered and adopted them. Grown to man's estate, they founded Rome, but arose between the brothers, in which Remus was slain. The city, a haven for runaway slaves and homicides, suffered from a shortage of women, which Romulus overcame by arranging for the capture of Sabine maidens at a festival. After ruling for forty years Romulus vanished and became the god Quirinus.During the late fourth century BC the Romulus myth first rivalled that of as the supposed city founder. The she wolf had been the symbol of nationality since the establishment of the Republic in 510 BC. Although imperial patronage gave to Aeneas the official glory (on the nine hundredth anniversary of the traditional foundation of Rome in 148, coins were issued which gave pride of place to the city's Trojan origins) interest in Romulus and Remus never diminished. Their is a wolf that raised the children, named Romulus and Remus.

Where was Rome founded?

On the Tiber River in Italy.According to legend, Rome was founded by two brothers in the Tiber Valley, near the Tiber River, ItalyItaly around 1500BC i think... but i may be wrong...or New York... there are 2 romes in the world...

What happened to Romulus and Remus mother?

Rhea Silva (Romulus and Remus' mother) was the daughter of Numitor, the king of Alba Longa who was deposed by his brother Amulius. She was forced by her uncle to become a vestal virgin (priestesses of the goddess Vesta who had to vow chastity) because he did not want her to have children who could become rivals for power. However, she was impregnated by the god Mars. When Amulius learned of this, he imprisoned Rhea Silvia and ordered a servant to kill the twins, but heset them adrift in a basket on the River Tiber. They landed by the Palatine Hill (where Rome was later founded). They were adopted by a shepherd and grew up as shepherds. As young men they found out about their origin. They went to Alba Longa, freed their mother and grandfather, overthrew their Amulius and restored Numitor to the throne

What was Amulius' terrible deed?

Amulius threw the infant twins Romulus and Remus into the Tiber River and buried their mother Rhea Silvia alive, accusing Rhea Silvia of violating her oath of chastity as a Vestal virgin after she was raped by Mars which resulted in the birth of the twins, who eventually established the city of Rome, and overthrew Amulius.

How does the story of Romulus relate to the rise and fall of Rome?

The legend of Romulus and Remus relates only to the foundation of Rome. Romulus and Remus were the twin sons of Rhea Silvia, the daughter of Numitor, the king of the Latin city of Alba Longa who had been deposed by Amulius, his brother. Amulius forced her to become a priestess of Vesta because these priestesses had to vow chastity. This meant that she would not have children who could challenge him for the throne. However, Rhea Silvia had two sons and claimed she was impregnated by the god Mars. Amulius arranged for the twins to be put in a basket and thrown in the river Tiber. The twins landed by the Palatine Hill, in the area which was to become Rome. They were breastfed by a she-wolf and then adopted by a shepherd, Faustulus, and his wife, Acca Larentia. When the twins grew up they learnt what happened in Alga Longa, deposed Amulius and restored Numitor. The then decided to found a new city in the area of the Palatine Hill. There was disagreement. Romulus wanted to found the city on the Palatine Hill and Remus on the nearby Aventine Hill. They decided to resolve the dispute by Augury (a divination which read the omens of the gods). Romulus won and then begun to build a sacred wall around the Palatine Hill. A spiteful Remus trespassed the wall and Romulus killed him. The actual foundations of Rome din not involve the building of a new city. It was the unification of separate settlements on what were to become the Seven Hills of Rome (the Palatine, Aventine, Caelian, Esquiline, Viminal, Quirinal and Capitoline) into a single state ruled by Romulus. The earliest evidence of human settlement in the area of Rome dates to the 14th-13th century BC. That is, 500-600 years before the date of the foundation of Rome (573 BC).

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Romulus ad Remus are there names

What is the name of the river Romulus and Remus were thrown in?

The Tiber. Both Romulus and his twin brother, Remus were place in the Tiber. They ended up in a swamp by the Palatine Hill and got caught in a tree branch, which stopped them.

How was remus and romulus found by wolves?

Romulus and Remus were found by the wolves in some bull rushes on the side of the river. The wolf decided to pick them both up, and her and her family brought them both up.

Why did Amulius want to kill Romulus and Remus?

Their mean jealous great uncle wanted to kill romulus and remus because he know he was in line to be king when his brother died but then he had two airs to the thrown so numitor got mad and planned for his nephews to die and planned for their death. He planned for someone to throw romulus and remus and their mother Rhea Silvia to be thrown into the Tiber River

Why did the evil uncle of romulus and Remus put the boys on the river?

cause he was afraid that they will kill him and take over his throne.

Was Romulus real?

yes, Romulus was real. He had a brother named Remus. Legend has it that when they were both young, they were put in a basket and thrown into the Tiber River. They did not drown, however a wolf found them and cared for them for a couple of years. After a couple of years went by, a women found them and adopted them. As time went by, they became the founders of Rome. Remus mocked one of Romulus's ideas and out of a force of anger, Romulus killed Remus! He then named the wonderful place Rome, after himself.

What kind of animal reputedly saved Romulus and Remus?

In the myth of the foundation of Rome, Romulus and Remus are saved by a wolf. Romulus and Remus were twin brothers whose mother was Rhea Silvia and whose father was either the Roman god of war, Mars, or the demi-god, Hercules. Rhea Silvia was forced to become a chaste Vestal Virgin by her uncle, Amulius, so when the twins were born, Amulius abandoned them in the river Tiber. The river carried them to safety, a wolf found them, a woodpecker fed them, and then a shepherd and his wife found them and raised them as shepherds. As they grew and gained followers, they killed Amulius and restored their grandfather, Numitor, to his throne. After fighting over where to establish their new city, Remus is killed and Romulus founds Rome, named after himself. The legend of Rome's foundation is long and complicated, but key to understanding how the people of ancient Rome saw their city.

What was the stories of Romulus and Remus?

The twin brothers Romulus and Remus were the sons of the God Mars. When they were very young they were abandoned by the banks of the River Tiber and left to fend for themselves. Luckily for them they were found by a she-wolf who took pity on them fed them with her milk. Later a shepherd found the boys and took them home to look after them. He ended up raising the boys as his own children. The boys grew up to be very strong and clever and they decided to build a town on the spot where the Shepherd had found them. Shortly after building the town the twins had a big argument about who should be in charge. Romulus overpowered his brother Remus who died in the fight. Romulus then became the first king of this town which he named Rome, after himself.

What is the river where the roman empire started?

I think the one you're thinking of would be the River Tiber, which is where Rome was situated, and in their creation legends, Romulus and Remus were found and raised by the she-wolf.

Did Mars throw Romulus and Remus in the river Nile?

No. Mars did not. Amulius the brother of Numitor, after killing all his brother's sons and making his only daughter a Vestal Virgin so she could not have any heirs overthrow him - Mars either raped or seduced her. When Amulius found that she had had sons, he threw Rhea Silvia into prison and threw her sons (Romulus and Remus) into the river Tiber.

Who was the founder of the Romans?

No one know positively, but according to the Roman legends... Romulus and Remus the twin sons of the god Mars and a vestal virgin were sent down a river in a basket after birth (at Mars' command) they were rescued and suckled by a female wolf. When they became adults they decided to build a city (Rome) but during an argument Romulus killed Remus with a rock. Romulus became the first king of Rome.

Who put Romulus and Remus in the river Tiber?

Their mother Rhea had a king uncle who had them thrown into the Tiber River. However, the servant that was ordered to throw the twins into the river could not bring himself to murder them, so he placed them into a basket instead.