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In Greek mythology, the Calydonian Boar was a monstrous creature sent by the goddess Artemis to ravage the region of Calydon. It was not a "clazmonian sow" but rather a boar. The boar was eventually slain in a hunt organized by the hero Meleager, who gathered a group of renowned hunters to track and kill the beast.

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13y ago

There are a couple of wild pigs in Greek mythology:

  • The Clazomenaean Boar is mentioned by Aelian as "a sow with wings, and it ravaged the territory of Klazomenai", but no mention is made of its slaughter.
  • The Crommyonian Sow was the pet of an hag named Phaia and terrorised the countryside around Crommyon. Both the boar and its mistress were killed by Theseus when he was traveling to Athens.
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Seeds that Jason had to plant?

They weren't seeds, really - they were dragon's teeth that he had to sow.

What was the swineherd in greek mythology?

If you are referring to the myth of when Persephone was kidnapped by Hades, the swineherd was the brother of Triptolemus. He saw the kidnapping take place, and, according to some versions, his brother Triptolemus told Demeter, Persephone's mother, what had happened. When Demeter learned what had occurred, she refused to let the earth grow, and mortals died of starvation. Zeus finally sent Hermes to fetch Persephone from the Underworld, but Hades gave Persephone a pomegranate first. She ate six of the seeds, and those who ate food of the Underworld had to remain there forever. When this was discovered, Zeus ordained that Persephone would spend one month for each seed in the Underworld, and the rest on earth, with her mother. That's how the Greeks explained winter, because Demeter wouldn't let the earth grow while Persephone was gone. But Demeter taught Triptolemus how to plant and sow grain, so he could teach others and mortals wouldn't starve in winter.

How did sedentary agriculture start?

It started out by the humans cultivating the actual space in which they live. It allowed them to cultivate and sow their lands according to the climate, type of soil, topography, and geography, enabling them to do it better over time.

Who is Shen Nung?

Shen nung silent was one of the greatest Chinese Emperor.he taught Chinese how to sow seeds and which plants would help the Chinese to get well .he also invented plough.,and he discovered tea and ginseng's.his wife mastered the art of breeding silkworm was called the goddess of house Craft inventions of tea,ginseng,farming and cloth helped the Chinese civilization to be the greatest civilization in the whole world

Who were Cerberus's parents?

Depending on sources the siblings of Cerberus include Orthos, the Hydra of Lerna, Khimaira, the Sphinx, the Hesperian Drakon, the Caucasian Eagle, the Crommyonian Sow, Gorgon, the Dragon of Colchis, Scylla, as well as the otherwise unnamed Echidnades (son of Ekhidna).