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Answer 1

St Likhona Msiya in 5 BC. Early names for Upper and Lower Egypt were Ta-Sheme'aw and Ta-Mehew. Another name for ancient Egypt was Kemet ("black land"). The Greeks gave Egypt its widely-used name (Agyptos)and the modern Arabic name Misr is from the Semitic Mitzrayim). During its period as a Christian nation (Roman and Byzantine era), it was called Copt, and the language is referred to as Coptic. Christianity was bought to Egypt by St. Mark around 42 AD. After the conquest of Egypt by the Sunni Arabs in 639 AD , Coptic was not allowed as a language. (It is, however, still in use by the Coptic Orthodox church as a liturgical language. The church grew from the time of St. Mark and was split from the other Orthodox churches by the Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD.)

Answer 2

The English name of Egypt comes by way of the Ancient Greek "Aigyptos" which is a corruption of the word "Copt", a reference to Egypt's pre-Moslem inhabitants. The modern name for Egypt in Arabic is Misr (مصر) which has no relation to the Copts and derives from a Semitic origin.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

The Greeks called the land south of the Aegian sea, Aegyptos. Therefore the country of the nile and the pharaohs came to be known as Egypt (or some variation of it) in European Languages. The country itself was called Kemet by the Pharoahs and the people of the Nile when they spoke their own language. Today, the land is called Masr is Egyptian Arabic and Kimi in Coptic (the only surviving sucessor to the Ancient Egyptian language).

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βˆ™ 9y ago

The English name of Egypt comes by way of the Ancient Greek "Aigyptos" which is a corruption of the word "Copt", a reference to Egypt's pre-Muslim inhabitants. The modern name for Egypt in Arabic is Misr which has no relation to the Copts and derives from a Semitic origin.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

because the nile river lines up with pyramids

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Q: Who gave the name of Egypt to Egypt?
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What is the reason for naming Egypt with that name?

it is there tridition..... and what else would they have thought of, they r not has high tec as we r today also some people say that it waas named after a god they had backed then and then he died sorty after that and so in remembernce they gave Egypt it's name

What is the real name for Ancient Egypt?

Actually, "Misraim" is the Habiru name for "Egypt". The Kemetic name was "Kam".

What happenned after Cleopatra died?

After Cleopatra died Octavian gave her a regal funeral and buried her with Marc Antony. Then Rome took over Egypt as an imperial province.After Cleopatra died Octavian gave her a regal funeral and buried her with Marc Antony. Then Rome took over Egypt as an imperial province.After Cleopatra died Octavian gave her a regal funeral and buried her with Marc Antony. Then Rome took over Egypt as an imperial province.After Cleopatra died Octavian gave her a regal funeral and buried her with Marc Antony. Then Rome took over Egypt as an imperial province.After Cleopatra died Octavian gave her a regal funeral and buried her with Marc Antony. Then Rome took over Egypt as an imperial province.After Cleopatra died Octavian gave her a regal funeral and buried her with Marc Antony. Then Rome took over Egypt as an imperial province.After Cleopatra died Octavian gave her a regal funeral and buried her with Marc Antony. Then Rome took over Egypt as an imperial province.After Cleopatra died Octavian gave her a regal funeral and buried her with Marc Antony. Then Rome took over Egypt as an imperial province.After Cleopatra died Octavian gave her a regal funeral and buried her with Marc Antony. Then Rome took over Egypt as an imperial province.

What was Egypt called after Cleopatra and Marc Antony died?

Egypt kept its name after the deaths of Antony and Cleopatra. It was still called Egypt or "Aegyptus" in Latin.Egypt kept its name after the deaths of Antony and Cleopatra. It was still called Egypt or "Aegyptus" in Latin.Egypt kept its name after the deaths of Antony and Cleopatra. It was still called Egypt or "Aegyptus" in Latin.Egypt kept its name after the deaths of Antony and Cleopatra. It was still called Egypt or "Aegyptus" in Latin.Egypt kept its name after the deaths of Antony and Cleopatra. It was still called Egypt or "Aegyptus" in Latin.Egypt kept its name after the deaths of Antony and Cleopatra. It was still called Egypt or "Aegyptus" in Latin.Egypt kept its name after the deaths of Antony and Cleopatra. It was still called Egypt or "Aegyptus" in Latin.Egypt kept its name after the deaths of Antony and Cleopatra. It was still called Egypt or "Aegyptus" in Latin.Egypt kept its name after the deaths of Antony and Cleopatra. It was still called Egypt or "Aegyptus" in Latin.

What country did the name Benjamin come from?

The name is thought to originate among Isrealites that lived in Egypt. This name could be said to originate from Egypt.

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How did the location of Egypt effect Egypt?

Egypt was located near the nile so the nile gave Egypt annual flooding which made soil fertile.It also gave them water to drink,wash you name it. Egypt was called "the gift of the nile" because of that.Egypt would have been a desert if the nile wasn't there.

Where is kush relation to Egypt?

pyramids kush's are smaller and Egypt's is bigger No.... The Relationship was trade. And since Egypt was bigger than Kush, Egypt conquered Kush and gave it the name Kush (it was previously named Nubia). _________________________________________________________________ No... The relationship WAS trade but Kush was IN Nubia. They are different.

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Alicia keys did gave birth on october7,2010 to a bab y boy name Egypt

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How has the Nile River effect Egypt?

it gave them food water and electricity to the egyptians in egypt .

What did Egypt give to us?

Egypt gave us the knowledge of the pyramids , deserts etc;

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his egypt name was kye

What is the full name for egypt?

The complete name for Egypt is the Arab Republic of Egypt. There is no other name for the country.

What is the reason for naming Egypt with that name?

it is there tridition..... and what else would they have thought of, they r not has high tec as we r today also some people say that it waas named after a god they had backed then and then he died sorty after that and so in remembernce they gave Egypt it's name

Was Cleopatras and ceasers baby ptolemy?

Cleopatra and Julius Caesar did have a child together, named Caesarion. However, he was not called Ptolemy, as Ptolemy was a common name in the Ptolemaic dynasty to which Cleopatra belonged. Caesarion was recognized as Caesar's son and Cleopatra declared him co-ruler of Egypt after Caesar's assassination.

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how to say my name is in egypt

How many f16 fighter jets did the usa give Egypt?

The US gave Egypt 186 F-16's