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Hurcules did for 1 of his 12 labors

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Q: Who had to fetch Cerberus as a task assigned to him?
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What was Hercules 11th and12th task?

The 11th and 12th labours of Hercules was to Steal the apples of the Hesperides and to capture Cerberus, the three-headed guard dog of the underworld. The labours the assigned to Hercules as punish by Hera.

What is assingnment?

A Task assigned to a employee

What were the myths including the greek god Hades?

Hades permitted Heracles to fetch Cerberus from Hell, when the hero presented him with his petition.

What is a Group of people assigned to one task called?

A group of people assigned to one task is commonly referred to as a team.

Do you feel sorry for cerberus would you have risked playing fetch with him if you were annabeth?

yes i do feel sorry for Cerberus, because if i would like sonebody to play with me and if my best friend were him i would risk myself to make that person happy.

Who is Cerberus in the story of Cupid and Psyche?

Cerberus is the three-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld. Psyche, in her task to get the box of beauty from the goddess Proserpine, has to get past Cerberus. She is instructed by a Tower and gives him cake so he will let her pass.

How do you spell aggisned?

The correct spelling is "assigned" (given as a task or job).

What is Percy's plan to get Cerberus?

Annabeth throws a ball or a bone, I cant remember entirely, and plays fetch with Cerberus

What is a group of people assigned to a task?

Chuck Norris

Did Persephone like Cerberus the 3 headed dog?

There is no myth to say Persephone did not like Cerberus; certainly the only myth that relates to it is the one in which a task of Heracles makes him go into the Underworld to ask for Cerberus, which he is let to do - if he later beings him back.

Define world mission?

assigned task: a special task given to a person or group to carry out