The censors were the officials who helped to regulate or oversee the behavior of the Roman people, or at least those of the senatorial class. They had the power to expel people from the senate for bad behavior. (this power was rarely used)
farms.... I think
The people of the Byzantine part of the empire were Roman but heavily influenced by the Greek culture. Note that they were Roman, not Italian. The citizens in the eastern part of the empire considered themselves just as "Roman" as the people in the west.The people of the Byzantine part of the empire were Roman but heavily influenced by the Greek culture. Note that they were Roman, not Italian. The citizens in the eastern part of the empire considered themselves just as "Roman" as the people in the west.The people of the Byzantine part of the empire were Roman but heavily influenced by the Greek culture. Note that they were Roman, not Italian. The citizens in the eastern part of the empire considered themselves just as "Roman" as the people in the west.The people of the Byzantine part of the empire were Roman but heavily influenced by the Greek culture. Note that they were Roman, not Italian. The citizens in the eastern part of the empire considered themselves just as "Roman" as the people in the west.The people of the Byzantine part of the empire were Roman but heavily influenced by the Greek culture. Note that they were Roman, not Italian. The citizens in the eastern part of the empire considered themselves just as "Roman" as the people in the west.The people of the Byzantine part of the empire were Roman but heavily influenced by the Greek culture. Note that they were Roman, not Italian. The citizens in the eastern part of the empire considered themselves just as "Roman" as the people in the west.The people of the Byzantine part of the empire were Roman but heavily influenced by the Greek culture. Note that they were Roman, not Italian. The citizens in the eastern part of the empire considered themselves just as "Roman" as the people in the west.The people of the Byzantine part of the empire were Roman but heavily influenced by the Greek culture. Note that they were Roman, not Italian. The citizens in the eastern part of the empire considered themselves just as "Roman" as the people in the west.The people of the Byzantine part of the empire were Roman but heavily influenced by the Greek culture. Note that they were Roman, not Italian. The citizens in the eastern part of the empire considered themselves just as "Roman" as the people in the west.
Venus is the Goddess of love, her son Cupid helped out a lot too.
Marc Antony helped the Roman empire in a backhanded way. By losing to Octavian in the civil war he enabled Octavian to add Egypt and all its wealth to the Roman empire.
Sandals helped to prevent foo disease in the hot climate of the Mediterranean by airing the feet.
It states many things about the laws and codes of the Roman times and the Byzantine Empire. It helped the people renew their beliefs in the Roman law. It also helped the people obey the law of the Byzantine Empire.
I suppose you'd have to ask the gods, but judging from some of their behaviors, Roman gods were kind of contemptuous of people, rather the way very wealthy people seem to feel about the working classes. Sometimes they found them amusing and even helped some of their favorite ones, other times they ignored their suffering or even set them to fight each other.
Boadicea helped with the decline of the Roman Empire.
manorialism had a good impact on the roman empire becaused it helpeed the society stay in order it helped people alot
Ottoman Turks and Germanic tribes , the program of crusade also helped the crumble of eastern roman empire.
farms.... I think
Art & learning.
No religion helped to save Roman culture. One religion spread through the Roman Empire in its later days and transformed Roman culture: Christianity.
The tribes of peoples that invaded Roman territory and helped bring about the fall of the western part of the empire were the Goths (Ostrogoth's and Visigoths) and the Vandals.
We cannot tell you which of the following accomplishments helped are if you do not tell as what the following is.
It was a ancient roman shoemakers helper almost. They helped with the binding of the shoes.