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It was Agamemnon who finally decided to sacrifice his daughter, Iphigenia. He did not need to be informed.

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Q: Who informed Agamemnon of the sacrifice of Iphigenia?
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What sacrifice Agamemnon required to make?

Agamemnon had to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia in order for the Greeks to have a safe journey to Troy

What sacrifice is Agamemnon required to make?

Agamemnon had to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia in order for the Greeks to have a safe journey to Troy

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his daugher, Iphigenia.

What sacrifice did Agamemnon make to claim the winds?

He sacrificed his daughter, Iphigenia.

Who did Agamemnon sacrifice Iphigenia to?

In one of the myths, it was said that Iphigenia was sacrificed to the goddess Artemis to win back her favor.

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He killed his daughter Iphigenia as a sacrifice to the goddess Artemis whom he had angered by an act of arrogance.

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Why did Clytemnestra kill Agamemnon?

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Who is Iphigenia's mother?

Iphigenia mother is clytemnesta the queen of Greece and Agamemnon the king of greece.

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i think iphigenia is calcas' daughter, im i right??

What was Iphigenia's family history?

Iphigenia was the daughter of either Agamemnon and Clytaemnestra or of Helen and Theseus. She had no children of her own.