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It was most likely invented by someone in the Han dynasty.

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10y ago

The original date for when Yin Yang was invented is unknown, but it was sometime during the Ming Dynasty. Its creation is credited to Chinese philosopher Lai Zhide.

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13y ago

someone long time ago in the han dynasty

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Q: Who invented the Yin Yang sign?
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Does yin-yang symbolize peace?

No. The Yin and Yang sign stands for "way of life"

When was the yin yang sign invented?

Could have originated during the Han Dynasty (206 BC to 220 AD)

Is cancer considered a yin or yang sign in astrology?

Cancer is considered a yin sign in astrology.

Does the white or black represent good on the yin yang sign?

Yin represents female energy, darkness and weakness and Yang represents male energy, light and strength. The white represents the good on a yin-yang sign

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When was the yin yang invented?

in about 500 b.c.e.

What does the Chinese astrology day sign in a birth chart mean?

It means Yang,as in Yin and Yang system.Check the link below. And if you see a moon,it means Yin. Yin and Yang are a pair.

How do you make a yin yang sign on facebook?

you dont do it

How much lines of symmetry does a yin yang sign have?

a yin-yang symbol has point symmetry but no line symmetry so 0

What century was yin yang invented?

Yin/Yang is not an invention, it is an ancient Chinese philosophy. I do not believe (not sure) there is information on exactly what century it came about.

Does a yin-yang sign have symmetry?

Yes, the Yin-Yang sign has symmetry.Another take:No, the Yin and Yang are not symmetric. In order for symmetry any mirror image of the Yin-Yang must be indistinguishable from the original. In order to test and visualize this, take a Yin-Yang image into an editing tool like Photoshop. Convert the Yin-Yang to a negative (swap white for black and vice versa, which is the same as rotating it 180 degrees), and then perform a horizontal flip. This is the same as viewing the image in a mirror.Compare to the original. Does it look the same?

What is the opposite of Yin yang?

Yang Yin.