Warset, or Worset, was a local guardian diety in Thebes. Her popularity was at it's peak during the 12th Dynasty. She was the first consort to Amun, the ruler of the Egyptian gods, but was later replaced as his consort by Amunet (possibly another name for Wosret/Wasret) and then finally Mut. There has been only one stone tablet discovered depicting her, and there are no known temples of worship to her. Three Pharohs of that era were given the word "wosret" at the end of their names meaning "powerful" and "of Wosret", or "belonging to Wosret". She was appointed by Isis, the mother of the god Horus, to watch over Horus as a guardian until he was mature.
The vulture is sacred to the goddess Nekhbet in Egyptian mythology.
Hathor did not die in Egyptian myth.
Egyptian god
Wasret is the name of an Egyptian Goddess.
Tefnut was the Egyptian Goddess of cloudsTefnut was the Egyptian Goddess of clouds.Tefnut was the Egyptian Goddess of clouds.Tefnut was the Egyptian Goddess of clouds.
She is the Egyptian cat goddess.
Tefnut is the Egyptian goddess of the water. She is also the goddess of ferteninty.
Nut was the Egyptian sky goddess.
Cleopatra followed the Egyptian religion. She identified herself with the goddess, Isis.Cleopatra followed the Egyptian religion. She identified herself with the goddess, Isis.Cleopatra followed the Egyptian religion. She identified herself with the goddess, Isis.Cleopatra followed the Egyptian religion. She identified herself with the goddess, Isis.Cleopatra followed the Egyptian religion. She identified herself with the goddess, Isis.Cleopatra followed the Egyptian religion. She identified herself with the goddess, Isis.Cleopatra followed the Egyptian religion. She identified herself with the goddess, Isis.Cleopatra followed the Egyptian religion. She identified herself with the goddess, Isis.Cleopatra followed the Egyptian religion. She identified herself with the goddess, Isis.
The Egyptian cat goddess was Bastet.
The name of the Egyptian's goddess of magic is Isis.
The name of Egyptian's goddess of the seventeenth is Anput.
The parents of Nut, ( the Egyptian goddess) were Shu and Tefnut.
The Egyptian goddess Isis is a real goddess of ancient Egypt.
The Egyptian Goddess, Tefnut, was seen as the Goddess of Rain i googled it