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His name was Telemachus.

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Q: Who is Ulysses son?
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Does Ulysses have kids?

The name of his son is Telemachus.

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What does Ulysses feel about his son?

Ulysses feels proud of his son Telemachus for his bravery and loyalty. He also sees him as a worthy successor and is eager to pass on his wisdom and knowledge to him.

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in the poem Ulysses, he addresses his son Telemachus.

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Polyphemus is the son of Poseidon(god of the sea)

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Neptune was angry that Ulysses had blinded the cyclops Polyphemus (not sure of his roman name) who was the son of Neptune.

Why did Poseidon punish Ulysses?

Poseidon punished Ulysses because he blinded the Cyclops Polyphemus, who was Poseidon's son. Ulysses' act angered Poseidon, and as the god of the sea, he had the power to make Ulysses' journey home from the Trojan War much more challenging by causing storms and obstacles for him.

What did Ulysses do to Poseidon's son to make Poseidon so biased against him?

Poseidon's son was a cyclops who held Ulysses and his men captive on an island. He blinded the cyclops' one eye in order to escape the island.

How did Ulysses get so lost?

Poseidon was angered when Ulysses killed his son, Prometheus the Giant, so he moved his ship off course as revenge.

What is is telemachus's real name from The Odyssey?

He was known as Odysseus's(Ulysses) son,Telemachus