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Q: Who is a snaky haired monster who turned medusa to stone in greek mythology?
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How did Medusa become a monster?

In Greek mythology, Medusa was once a beautiful mortal woman. After being cursed by Athena for breaking her vow of celibacy, Medusa's hair turned into snakes and anyone who looked at her turned to stone. She became a monster as a result of this curse.

What is Medusa the Greek goddess of?

Medusa was not a Greek goddess. She did appear in their mythology, however, as the terrifying snake-haired Gorgon whose gaze turned you to stone. Her head's powers were eventually used as a weapon by the hero Perseus.

Who was cursed with a scary appearance in Greek mythology?

There were several figures from Greek mythology cursed with scary appearances, one of which was Medusa, who gained snake-hair and turned into a monster after laying with Poseidon in Athena's temple.

How did Medusa become a monster for kids?

In Greek mythology, Medusa was originally a beautiful woman. However, after being cursed by Athena for desecrating her temple, Medusa's hair turned into snakes and her gaze could turn people to stone. Over time, this story was adapted into children's stories and folklore, leading to Medusa being portrayed as a monster to instill fear in children.

When Medusa was turned into a monster was she also turned immortal?

no, she was still mortal, but her blood was turned to acid.

How old was Medusa when she was turned into this monster?

There is no chronology in the Greek myths.

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What was Medusa the god of?

Medusa wasn't a god. But was known/worshiped/seen as a serpent/snake godess/Priestess. She was turned from her original form into a snake-like person by Athena while she was with Poseidon.Medusa is not a god. In ancient Greek Mythology, Medusa was a monster who was so hideous that gazing upon her turned onlookers to stone.She was slain by the hero Perseus.

What kind of monster were gorgons in greek mythology?

they were monsters with snakes as hair and when they looked at others they turned them to stone. the three gorgon sisters were Stheno ,Euryale , and the most known of them all is Medusa.

How did the Medusa become a monster?

Athena turned her into a monster. This is because Medusa had sexual relations with Poseidon in Athena's temple. Athena wasn't against having sex, but Medusa chose the wrong place.

What were Medusa's responsibilities?

Medusa really didn't have any responsibilities. She was a monster that turned people to stone whenever they looked at her.

What did Athena do to Medusa?

Athena turned Medusa into a monster with snakes for hair. Whenever someone looked at Medusa after she was cursed, they would be turned to stone. Athena did this to Medusa because Medusa was one of Poseidon's lovers and they one day met in Athena's temple.