carpus is the Greek god of fruit, son of Zephyrus, the god of west wind and Chloris, goddess of fruits and flowers
No, the carpus is distal to the brachium. The carpus refers to the wrist area, while the brachium refers to the upper arm between the shoulder and elbow.
I'm afraid that your question is meaningless - the wrist is the carpus.
The word 'carpus' is a correct noun as a word for the bones of the wrist.
A group of bones in the carpus form the wrist. This is called a wrist bone.
The wrist
The radius bone in the forearm is distal to the cubitus (ulna) and proximal to the carpus (wrist bones).
Comprised of the carpus (wrist), metacarpus (palm), and fourdigits or finger
wrist, also called carpus, complex joint between the five metacarpal bones of the hand and the radius and ulna bones of the forearm