There weren't just three punishments, but three were documented. You are thinking of the most famous of Tartarus' residents (aside from the Titans): Sisyphus, Tantalus and Ixion. Sisyphus was assigned to endlessly push a boulder up a steep incline. He was told his task would be finished when he reached the top, but before he could, the boulder always slipped out of his hands and rolled to the bottom. Tantalus was made to stand in a pool of water with a grape vine nearby. Anytime he went to eat, the grapes moved away. He was made to stand in a pool if water for ever, he was unable to drink, and with a fruit tree just in his reach he was unable to eat. Any time he went to drink, the water ebbed away. Additionally, there was a large boulder placed above his head, so he couldn't move away. Finally Ixion was strapped to a flaming wheel that never stopped moving. Traditionally, though, anyone who did more evil than good would spend an eternity punished in Tartarus.
A symbol of power of divine protection, or a divine guardian. Most likely the "flames" are the aura of the griffin and the legendary beast is not actually aflame.
The cyclopes forged weapons for the Olympians before the war with the titans. Hades got the helm of darkness, a helmet that made him invisible, and a flaming sword.
I'm pretty sure it's a flaming hammer or something of the like. I'm not certain though, so you might want to look it up.
In Ancient Riome and Greece and elsewhere they haed torches of flaming sticks covered in tar. The modern electric torch was invented after reasonably small and reliable batteries were developed, probably around 1890.
Flaming Galah was created in 1971.
Flaming Starr was created in 1980.
Flaming Creatures was created in 1963.
Flaming Hearts was created in 1978.
Flaming June was created in 1895.
The Flaming Urge was created in 1953.
Flaming Frontiers was created in 1938.
The Flaming Lips was created in 1983.
Flaming Schoolgirls was created in 1980.
Flaming Moe's was created on 1991-11-21.
Another name for a flaming ball of gas is a star.
no, BUT the inventor of the flaming moe did.