I believe his greek name is Ares, but his roman name is mars. like one of the planets in the solar system.
Mars was the primary Roman god of war; Minerva was also a goddess of war, but is was a secondary aspect for her.
You should capatalize Mars, Roman, and God, plus War, depending on the context.
This day is named after the Norse god Tyr, or Thor, who was synonymous with the Roman god Mars, god of war.
Marcus is an old Roman word, and is another name for Mars, the Roman god of war. The Norse god of war was Thor.
Mars is a Roman Mythologies god. The Greek god however is Ares. They are both gods of war.
Ares is the Greek God of War. Mars is the Roman god of war.
the roman god of is mars so roman god of war means mars
Nope, the Roman God of War is Mars
Mars was the Roman god of war.
Mars was the primary Roman god of war; Minerva was also a goddess of war, but is was a secondary aspect for her.
the roman god of is mars so roman God of War means mars
Mars is the roman god of war, and is also related to ares greek god of war.
Mars is a Roman god, that of war. His Greek equivalent is Ares.
Mars was a Roman god. He was the God of War.
Ares is the Greek God of War. Mars is his Roman name.
mars was the roman war god
The Roman god of war was called Mars. His name means "battle, conflict".