There are two minor goddesses which fit in the category...
Eris: goddess of discord, strife, and war
Ate: goddess of impetuosity, guilt, delusion, and folly
But no, there is no specific goddess of evil.
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darkness the black sun
The Greek Goddess, Nyx (also sometimes called Nox), the Goddess of the night, was born from Chaos. Her siblings include some of the oldest deitys in Greek mythology, such as Gaia (earth), Erebus (darkness) and Tartarus (the underworld)
Nyx didn't use a weapon, other than darkness itself. G.M.
The symbol(s) that most people will associate with Hades would be the helm of darkness and his three headed dog Cerberus .
Zeus: skies (god)Poseidon: water (god)Hades: underworld (god)Demeter: growth (goddess)Persephone: springtime (goddess)Ares: war (god)Dionysus: wine, celebrations (god)Hermes: medicine, messenger of gods travel, thieves (god)Hephaestus: the forge and fire (god)Apollo: sun, bringer of sudden death to mortals (god)Artemis: moon, archery, protector of women (goddess)Hera: queen of Heaven, marrige (goddess)Hestia: the hearth and home (goddess)Thanatos: dead people (god)Morpheus: dreams (god)Hypnos: sleep (god)Hygenia: sanitation (goddess)Aphrodite: love, beauty, and lust (goddess)Eros: love (god)Nike: victory and revenge (goddess)Athena: battle strategy, war, wisdom, craft (goddess)Iris: rainbows, used to serve gods, refills clouds with water (goddess)Nyx: night time and darkness (goddess)Erebus: night time (god)P.S. This is just off the top of my head
Well I couldn't specifically find a greek goddess of chaos and darkness but I did find two similar.Erebus is the god of darkness and son of ChaosNyx is the goddess of the night
I believe your talking about the Roman god of death which is Pluto, also known as Hades in Greek mythology.A:The Roman goddess of the night was known as Nox; the Greeks called her Nyx. Please see the attached link.
darkness the black sun
Nyx is the goddess of the night.
There isn't a Goddess of Dark places in Greek mythology, unless you mean the Goddess of Night who is Nyx. However, the is a God, who is Erebus, the primordial God of shadows and darkness.
The primordial Goddess of Darkness was Nyx. The Goddess of Nocturnal Oracles was Asteria. God of Nightmares, Phobetor. God of Dreams, Morpheus. God of Sleep, Hypnos.
Kuk was the frog headed god who with the goddess Keket were the Ogdoad deities to represent darkness.
The Greek Goddess, Nyx (also sometimes called Nox), the Goddess of the night, was born from Chaos. Her siblings include some of the oldest deitys in Greek mythology, such as Gaia (earth), Erebus (darkness) and Tartarus (the underworld)
Nyx didn't use a weapon, other than darkness itself. G.M.
Nyx, the personification of night in Greek mythology.
The ones I know of are: Amphitrite: - Goddess of the sea Aphrodite: - Goddess of love and beauty Artemis: - Goddess of the hunt, nature and birth. Asteria: - Goddess of the stars Athena: - Goddess of war, wisdom and domestic crafts. Demeter: - Goddess of the harvest Dike: - Goddess of moral justice. Eos: - Goddess of the dawn. Eris: - Goddess of strife, discord, contention and rivalry. Eirenne: - Goddess who symbolized peace. Hebe: - Goddess of youth. Hecate: - Goddess of childbirth and the crossroads. Hemera: - Goddess of daylight. Hera: - Goddess of marriage Hestia: - Goddess of the hearth and home. Hygieia: - Goddess of health, cleanliness and sanitation. Iris: - Goddess of the rainbow Nike: - Goddess of victory. Nyx: - Goddess of darkness and night time Themis: - Greek Goddess of divine justice, order and customs.
Hecate is a Greek Goddess, though a Titan born of Perses and Asteria.The Egyptian goddess of fertility/children, Heqet (also Heqat, Hekit, Heket, Hegit, Heget) was considered a counterpart to Hecate.