The Greek god of commerce is Hermes. He was the son of Zeus and the Pleiad Maia, and the second youngest of the Olympian gods.
Hades was considered wealthy, but neither he nor anyone else was god of wealth. Hermes was the patron of commerce and merchants, and hence also of money.
Zeus- king of the gods and lord of the skyPoseidon- god of the seaHades- god of the UnderworldHephaestus- god of the forges/blacksmithsCupid- god of sexual love (son of Aphrodite)Dionysus- god of wineApollo- god of prophecy, music, medicine, etc.Hermes- god of thieves, cunning, commerce, etc.
Hermes is the messenger god in Greek mythology. He is known for his speed and cunning, and serves as a messenger between the gods and humans. Hermes also guides souls to the underworld and is associated with travel, commerce, and communication.
He is Greek god, but he does have a roman version Jupiter
the greek god hermes the god of messages
Hermes is the Greek god of commerce and merchants
Hermes and Mercurius (Mercury) respectively.
Hermes was the god of merchants and thieves.
Greek: Hermes Roman: Mercury
Hermes - Greek god of commerce and thieves; also messenger of the gods.
I don't think there was a god of business but Pluto aka hades was the god of wealth
In Greek mythology, Hermes is the god associated with thieves, trickery, and commerce. While not specifically the god of crime, Hermes is known for his cunning and deceptive ways, often representing the darker aspects of deceit and theft.
The Roman god Mercury acted as the messenger of gods. He was also the god of Rhetoric and Commerce. His symbol is the caduceus, a staff with two snakes entwined around it. He was the roman equivalent of Greek god Hermes.
In Greek mythology, the god of chemistry would be Hermes, the god of communication, commerce, and boundaries. However, in modern times, the term "god of chemistry" is not attributed to any specific deity.
Hermes is the Greek god of boundaries, travel, communication, language, commerce, and thieves. He is also the messenger of the gods and the guide to the Underworld.
zues is the god of commerce.