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Demeter, in Greek Mythology, is the Goddess of nature, fertility of the Earth, the seasons, and harvests.

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The Greek goddess of nature was Physis, the Roman was Natura

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Q: Who is the beautiful young goddess of nature?
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The beautiful young goddess of nature?

Cybele i believe

Who are the young and beautiful goddesses of nature?

Hebe was the goddess of youth. She was also the goddess of rainbows.

Beautiful young goddes of nature?

They are known as nymphs.Also, if you are looking for a singular "beautiful young goddess of nature," it might be Persephone.The Nymphs were the young beautiful goddesses of nature.The main Nymph was Pan.

A minor nature goddess who is usually a young maiden is called what?

A minor nature goddess who is usually a young maiden is called a nymph.

Who was the beautiful goddess of nature?

Artemis, The Mistress of the Wild

Who is the young Greek goddess of nature?

nymphs were the godesses of nature

Beautiful goddess of nature?


Beautiful young god of nature?


In the movie the odyessey young daughter of alcinous who is tall and beautiful as a goddess?


Who was the beautiful young godd ess of nature?


Beautiful young goddesses of nature?

The Nymphs were the young beautiful goddesses of nature.Pan was NOT a nymph but was a companion of them.

Why was the goddess Aphrodite presumed dangerous?

she killed a young girl because she was jealous of how beautiful she was.