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Alphonse Bertillon

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Q: Who is the body measure system named after?
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What is Zeus' Roman name?

Zeus = Jupiter in Roman, all planets (except for Earth) in our solar system are named after a roman god/goddess.It's Jupiter.

How many queens in history named Cleopatra?

There were seven Egyptian queens named Cleopatra.There were seven Egyptian queens named Cleopatra.There were seven Egyptian queens named Cleopatra.There were seven Egyptian queens named Cleopatra.There were seven Egyptian queens named Cleopatra.There were seven Egyptian queens named Cleopatra.There were seven Egyptian queens named Cleopatra.There were seven Egyptian queens named Cleopatra.There were seven Egyptian queens named Cleopatra.

How is Augustus connected to your calendar?

The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.The month of August is named after Caesar Augustus.

How many queens in history were named Cleopatra?

There were seven Egyptian queens named Cleopatra.There were seven Egyptian queens named Cleopatra.There were seven Egyptian queens named Cleopatra.There were seven Egyptian queens named Cleopatra.There were seven Egyptian queens named Cleopatra.There were seven Egyptian queens named Cleopatra.There were seven Egyptian queens named Cleopatra.There were seven Egyptian queens named Cleopatra.There were seven Egyptian queens named Cleopatra.

Was Cleopatra Josephs mother?

No. Cleopatra never had a child named Joseph.No. Cleopatra never had a child named Joseph.No. Cleopatra never had a child named Joseph.No. Cleopatra never had a child named Joseph.No. Cleopatra never had a child named Joseph.No. Cleopatra never had a child named Joseph.No. Cleopatra never had a child named Joseph.No. Cleopatra never had a child named Joseph.No. Cleopatra never had a child named Joseph.

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Which of Santa's reindeer shares its name with a small solar system body?

The reindeer named Comet shares its name with a small Solar System body.

What do chemoreceptors found in the body and vascular system measure?

Chemoreceptors in the body and vascular system measure the levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pH in the blood. These receptors play a crucial role in regulating breathing rate, blood pressure, and maintaining homeostasis within the body.

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Body type, or somatotypes, is a collection of body characteristics that was first described into a system of body analysis by a man named William H. Sheldon, PhD, MD in the 1940's.

What is body type?

Body type, or somatotypes, is a collection of body characteristics that was first described into a system of body analysis by a man named William H. Sheldon, PhD, MD in the 1940's.

What is premitive unit of measure?

The primitive unit of measure is the fundamental unit from which all other units are derived in a specific system of measurement. It serves as the basis for defining larger or smaller units within that system. Examples include the meter in the metric system and the inch in the Imperial system.

Why solar system named after sol?

The solar system is named after "Sol," which is the Latin word for the sun. The sun is at the center of our solar system, and it is the primary source of light and energy that sustains life on Earth. The term "solar system" comes from the sun being the central celestial body around which the planets and other objects orbit.

Why is joules not capitalized?

"Joules" is not capitalized because it is a unit of measure, named after the physicist James Prescott Joule. In the International System of Units (SI), units named after individuals are not capitalized.

Who named the SI unit of length?

The word metre comes from the greek word metron, which means "measure"; it was introduced to the SI system by Tito Burattini in 1675.

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How did people measure things in the the past?

They use Body Measurements. *_*

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there is special instrument named "angle distribution measuring system" for the divergence angle measurement of LEDs. my email: