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Socrates, Hippocrates, Aristotle ,and Plato are the most famous.

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Q: Who is the famous philosopher of ancient Greece?
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Who was a famous philosopher of ancient Greece?


Famous philosopher of ancient Greece?

Socrates, Hippocrates, Aristotle ,and Plato are the most famous.

Why were Socrates and Descartes famous sportsmen in Ancient Greece?

Socrates lived in Ancient Greece but was a philosopher and teacher, not a sportsman. Descartes was a French philosopher who lived in the 1600's. He was no sportsman either.

Was Euclid a philosopher?

Yes, Euclid was a philosopher of Ancient Greece.

Famous philosopher of ancient greek?

Several philosophers of Ancient Greece are Socrates, Plato and Aristole. I hope that this answers your question sufficiently.

Who was a great philosopher from ancient Greece?

Colonel Sanders

Who was a famous person in ancient Greece and what did he do?

Pericles was a very famous person in ancient Greece and was a leader in politics and democracy.sargon

Who sought truth through persistent questioning in ancient Greece?

Every philosopher.

What is the name of a famous philosopher?

Plato was a widely known philosopher in ancient Greek times. His mentor was another well known man that went by Socrates. Plato specialized in math and science and it is said he helped lay the groundwork for what we know it as today.

What is a Greece philosopher?

Greecephilosophers are people who lived in ancient Greece and thought about life and death and things and then recorded their ideas.

What did the philosopher do in ancient Greece?

He investigated ways of thinking and natural science, and taught them to others.

Who was arisototle?

An ancient Greek philosopher, very famous....Google it.