Poseidon is the god of earthquakes. No goddess has this responsibility.
Persephone was the goddess of springtime, and Demeter, the goddess of the harvest's daughter.Persephone is the Goddess of the Underworld and the Goddess of Harvest. She is the Goddess of the Underworld because she was forced to marry Hades, God Of The Underworld, and Goddess of Earth because she is the daughter Of Demeter, Goddess of Bountiful Harvest.
Hera is the Goddess of Marriage.
The muses were considered goddesses. Calliope was the goddess of epic poetry. Clio was the goddess of history. Euterpe was the goddess of music, song, and lyric poetry. Erato was the goddess of love poetry. Melpomene was the goddess of tragedy. Polyhymnia was the goddess of hymns. Terpsichore was the goddess of dance. Thalia was the goddess of comedy. Urania was the goddess of astronomy.
No. The goddess Minerva was a virgin goddess.
Hebe- Goddess of Youth Hera- Goddess of Marriage Artemis- Goddess of the Hunt/of All wild things Athena- Goddess of Wisdom Demeter- Goddess of Harvest Aphrodite- Goddess of Love and Sex Hestia- Goddess of the Hearth and Family
Neptune is the Roman God For earthquakes and sea,But im not sure if they have A Godess
Well this is a hard question, I like Poseidon, god of the sea and earthquakes, Artemis, the goddess of the moon and the hunt, and Athena, goddess of wisdom and battle strategy.
No. Artemis was the goddess of the hunt, virginity, childbirth, wildlife, and possibly the moon. Poseidon was the god that caused earthquakes. They happened whenever he hit his trident against the ground.
Zeus: god of lighting and top god. Hera: goddess of birth and of heavens. Poseidon: god of earthquakes and the sea's. Hades: god of the underworld. Ares: god of war. Apollo: god of the lyre, poetry, healing and archery. Hephaestus: god of fire and construction. Dionysus: god of wine. Hermes: god of messengers, traveling and thieves. Hestia: goddess of the hearth. Demeter: goddess of the harvest. Aphrodite: goddess of love and beauty. Athena: goddess of wisdom and war. Artemis: goddess of the hunt, maiden goddess and goddess of archery.
Gaea or Gaia was the Primordial Goddess of the Earth, but there is God of Land. You could argue that Poseidon is though, because he is the God of Earthquakes.
well there was 12 main gods and goddesses (the Olympians) they were Zeus- god of the sky / king of the gods Hera- goddess of marriage / queen of the gods Poseidon- god of the sea / god of earthquakes Aphrodite- goddess of love / goddess of beauty Hephaestus- god of the forge / god of fire Athena- goddess of wisdom / goddess of strategy Ares- god of war / god of blood thirst Hermes- god of travelers / god of thieves Artemis- goddess of the hunt / goddess of virginity Apollo- god of music / god of poetry Hades- god of the Underworld Demeter- goddess of fertility / goddess of crops
yes. she was also married to a god as well. Yes. She was the wife of Poseidon- the god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses. She was known as the queen of the ocean but was not an Olympian godess.
FYI there are 14 Greek gods and goddesses Zeus is the supreme god and the god of the air Poseidon is the god of the seas he created horses and makes earthquakes Aphrodite is the goddess of love and she is the most beautiful goddess Apollo is the god of the sun and music Ares is the god of war and he is behind all violence Artemis is the goddess of hunting and the moon Athena is the goddess of battle strategies and war Demeter is the goddess of vegetation Dionysus is the god of wine and joy Hades is the god of the underworld Hephaestus is god of iron Hera is goddess of marriage Hermes is god of thieves and he is the messenger god Hestia is goddess of family
The 12 Gods and Goddesses of Mount Olympus or also known as the 'Olympians' are; -Hera- Goddess of love and marriage. -Poseidon- God of the sea and earthquakes. -Demeter- Goddess of the harvest. -Zeus (king of the gods)- god of the sky. -Dionysus- God of wine and festivity. -Ares- God of war. -Hephaestus- God of fire and metalworking. -Athena- Goddess of wisom, military victory and crafts. -Aphrodite- Goddess of love. -Apollo- God of sun and music. -Artemis- Goddess of hunting, wilderness and animals. -Hermes- God of theives.
Science of earthquakes = seismology. 'Seismos' is the Greek word for Earthquake and Ology means 'the study of'.
Zeus- god of the sky and lightning, king of the gods. Hera- goddess of marriage and women, queen of the gods. Poseidon- go of the sea and earthquakes. Hades- god of the underworld. Demeter- goddess of agriculture. Hetsia- goddess of the hearth and family. Athena- goddess of wisdom. Apollo- god of prophecy, healing, poetry, music and the sun. Artemis- goddess of hunting and the moon. Ares- god of war. Aphrodite- goddess of love. Hephaestus- god of metal working. Dionysus- god of wine. Hermes- the messanger god, god of trade.
The twelve Olympians are the twelve greek gods. Goddesses (females)-- Aphrodite, goddess of love, Hera, goddess of marriage, Hestia, goddess of hearth and home, Demeter, goddess of the harvest, Athena, goddess of wisdom and war, and Artemis, goddess of the hunt. Gods (males)-- Zeus, god of the sky, Poseidon, god of the ocean and earthquakes (he is my favorite), Hades, god of the underworld, Hephaestus, the god of the forges and fire, Ares, god of war, Apollo, god of the sun, poetry, and archery, Hermes, god of messeges, and Dionysus, the god of wine and parties.