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Venus was the Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty, the equivalent of the Greek Goddess Aphrodite, they where basically the same with different names

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Q: Who is the goddess of love and beauty in roman mythology?
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Geek goddess of love and beauty?

The Greek goddess of love and beauty is Aphrodite but in Roman mythology it is Venus

Is Venus the goddess of love and beauty?

Yes she is in Roman Mythology

What is the god of strong and beatuiful?

(In Greek Mythology): Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love and Beauty (In Roman Mythology): Venus, the Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Sex

Is Venus's the Greek god of beauty?

No, Venus is from Roman Mythology, not Greek. She is, however, the Roman goddess of love, beauty and fertility. The corresponding goddess in Greek Mythology is Aphrodite.

What is the goddess Venus name in greek mythology?

Venus is the Roman equivelant of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty in Greek Mythology.

Who was the goddess of love and beauty in Greek mythology?

Goddess of Love and BeautyAphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty in Greek mythology.

Is Aphrodite a Greek goddess?

Aphrodite is a Greek goddess. In Roman mythology, she is called Venus. She is the goddess of love and beauty.

Who is the goddess with a mirror?

In Greek mythology, she is called Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. Her Roman name is Venus.

Who was the God of love in roman mythology?

In Roman mythology, Cupid (Latin cupido, meaning "desire") is the god of desire, affection and erotic love. He is the son of goddess Venus and god Mars.In popular culture, Cupid is frequently shown shooting his bow to inspire romantic love, often as an icon of Valentine's Day. He is now in the current culture the personification of love and courtship in general.For the equivalent deity in Greek mythology, see Eros.

Cupid was said to be the son of which roman goddess?

Cupid is said to be the son of Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty.

What is the meaning for the goddess of love?

in greek mythology the goddess of love is aphrodite in roman mythology the goddess of love is venus there isnt really a defintition for the goddess of love, but this is the closest thing i can think of the goddess that has superior beauty and has the power to make one love an other

Who is the Greek god of beauty?

The Greek goddess of beauty is Aphrodite. She is known for her enchanting beauty and is associated with love, desire, and beauty in Greek mythology.