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Q: Who is the goddesses of kindness?
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In what ways did gods and goddesses show kindness or cruelty to humans?

Gods and goddesses have shown kindness and cruelness to humans despite religion. The god Zeus sent Perseus away for being an illegitimate child and had the woman Io turned into a cow. However, when humans followed law, they were gifted with an abundance of fish and vegetation.

Is god and goddesses real?

god is but there are no goddesses :(

Who were the major gods and goddesses of Greece?

Major Gods and Goddesses of GreeceThe major gods and goddesses of Greece were:ZeusPoseidonHeraAphroditeApolloAresArtemisAthenaDionysusHephaestusHermesDemeterHades

Who are the Goddesses in the book Mythology?

Who were ALL of the Goddesses in the book Mythology?

What is the plural form of goddess?

The plural of "goddess" is "goddesses."The plural form of goddess is goddesses.

How do you use kindness in sentencce?

Her kindness is immeasurable.

What is the Greek word for kindness?

ευγένεια = kindness

What is the Welsh for kindness?

Caredigrwydd means 'kindness'.

How did greek gods and goddesses become gods and goddesses?

It's impossible for a mortal to become a God

What are similes for kindness?


What is the stress in the word kindness?

The stress in "kindness" is on the first syllable.

What is a sentence with the word kindness in it?

His kindness made him the most popular kid in the school.