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Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom, and her mother Metis was the Greek goddess of wise counsel (good advice), but the true gods of intellect (intelligence or "smarts) was the Titan god Coeus (also called Coios, Koios, Polos or Polus), as was his wife, the Titan goddess Phoebe (also spelled Phoibe).

Coeus was the god of intellect as far as asking questions goes; an inquisitive mind, a questioning intellect that always seeks out new and useful knowledge.

Phoebe was the goddess of intellect as far as answers go; a knowledgeable, insightful answering intellect that provides the solutions to questions (she even presided over the Temple at Delphi, where oracles would supposedly have their questions answered by the gods themselves!).

Numerous other deities of cleverness and cunning existed among the Greeks, including Hermes (god of cleverness, among other things), Dolos (god of trickery and cunning) and Prometheus (god of forethought, or careful consideration).

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