Aletheia also seen as Alathea (pronounced ah-lee-thee-uh) is the GOD of truth.
There was a Greek Goddess of Truth, Veritas although 'truth' isn't necessarily 'honesty'. 'Sancus' was a roman god of oaths, loyalty and honesty but there doesn't seem to be a Greek Equivalent.
Nobody yet. You can't do that cause he's the god of Truth.
In both Roman and Greek mythology Apollo was the god of the sun, light, healing, music, poetry, plague, prophecy, truth, and more.
Apollo is the ancient greek god of light and truth(and many other things, but u probly don't care). Helios is just the god of the sun hes overshadowed by Apollo. i love greek mythology! i hope i helped y'all honey<3333
In Greek mythology, Apollo was the god of the sun, light, truth, archery, and prophecy. Like all greek gods in the stories, Apollo was immortal, which means he cannot die. So, Apollo never died, and if you believe in Greek mythology, he is still alive today.
The Greek goddess of truth is Alethia. It is also spelled Aletheia and a couple other ways.
The goddesses of truth are Alathea and Pistis.
he is the god of truth music and prophecies
Phoebus seems to be the cloesest answer. He was linked to the Greek god Apollo, god of light.
There was a Greek Goddess of Truth, Veritas although 'truth' isn't necessarily 'honesty'. 'Sancus' was a roman god of oaths, loyalty and honesty but there doesn't seem to be a Greek Equivalent.
Nobody yet. You can't do that cause he's the god of Truth.
This was Apollo.
Apollo was a Greek god, the son of Zeus and Leto. He was the god of light, the sun, truth, and prophecy.
Apollo is the Greek god of music, poetry, light, healing, and prophecy. He is also associated with the sun, truth, and archery.
Apollo was the God of light (and the sun), truth and prophecy, healing, disease, music and poetry.
Hephaestus was the Greek God of fire. Vulcan was the Roman God of fire. Apollo was God of light, truth, the sun, music, prophecy and healing.