King of the titans Is kronos's father and mother. Uranus (sky) his father and Gaia (land) his mother.
He is the Lord of Time and King of the Titans.
His father is Cronus, the king of the Titans.
Her youngest son, Cronus, the King of the Titans and father of Zeus.
Zeus was never the leader of the titans. He was lord of the gods because the three brothers drew straws, and Zeus got the biggest one, making him the king of the GODS!
Cronus and Rhea were Zeus' parents. They were the king and queen of the Titans in the same way as Zeus and Hera were the king and queen of the gods. So, you could say that since the different titans which controlled the different "places". His parents could have controlled everything except their children.
Yes, king of the Titans.
Kronos, Titan of time and king of the Titans and Rhea Queen of the Titans
The titans were mostly imprisoned and Zeus became king of the gods
Cronus, the king of the titans
King of the Titans, father of the gods.
He is the Lord of Time and King of the Titans.
His father is Cronus, the king of the Titans.
Zeus and the other eldest geek gods where the children of Kronos,the king of the titans. He is also the titan of time.
kronos the king of the titans
She was the Queen of the Titans, like how Hera is queen of the gods. She was wife to Kronos Lord of Time, The King o Titans also the youngest of the top 12 titans.
At first, the titans ruled the gods.(gods were son and daughters of kronos, titian king) Then, Zeus overthrew Kronos (Cronus) and the gods ruled.