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The king who enslaved the israelites for 70 years was the King of the Babylonian Empire Nebuchadnezzar II the Great who reigned from 605 to 562 BCE and build the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

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Q: Who is the king who enslaved the isrealites?
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yes, when the Isrealites (people from Isreal) were enslaved there. It is said that God sent Moses to lead them out of Eygpt, that is why the Jewish celebrate Passover, when God shed his people.

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The 10 Plagues were brought about on Egypt by Yawheh, the God of the Isrealites, due to the Pharoah's refusing of letting the enslaved Israelites go as the story goes in the chapter of Exodus in the Old Testament.

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Saul, the first king of Israel and then David, the youngest son of Jesse,

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The Hebrews were enslaved by the Pharaoh. For clarification, Hebrew is the term for Jews and Christians before they separated into two religions.

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the isrealites did have to go back to egypt after josia died

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They are the same people.

Who are the people known as the isrealites?


Did the Chaldean King destroy Jerusalem and enslave the Hebrews?

Yes, Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem and enslaved the Hebrews.

What were most of the slaves in Egypt?

When King Thutmose the 2 ruled he enslaved many people from Nubia.

What brought most enslaved Africans to the Americans?

the fact that people were sold to slave traders by there own king