Egyptian dead masks were masks people made to show what they would look like in the after life because egyptians did not believe in death
burial sites
who made the carnival masks
The masks that were used as Egyptian "death masks" were usually made of gold and they had the purpose of was to give a dead face to the afterlife. The other masks were funerary masks. These were often made of wood and were made in to separate pieces.
they make 30,000,000 masks made in a year
they started making trestle masks in 1994.
the tutankhamhen mask was made by the egyptians and tutankhanm, it is made by gold silver and alluimin
well masks are made of different stuffs.many countries have their own ways of making masks but the basic material for mask making are clay or wood.
of course not we are not using masks !!
Death Masks were used in The Middle Kingdom
they were used when the owner of the mask died
Egyptians and Celts Greek's.
burial sites
sometimes but not likely
The answer you are looking for is "burial sites," but remember that the verb is "built" not "guilt" and always capitalize "Egyptians."
No. Modern Egyptians follow the Islamic custom of burial
Preservation of bodies.