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Until the end of the republic, the senate consisted of aristocrats from the old patrician families. It was very difficult for a man to break the social barrier,even if he had the money and good fortune to be elected to the office of quaestor, which gave him an automatic seat in the senate. But it could be done. Cicero was a prime example of a "New Man" reaching the office of counsul. After the principate was established, the emperor could appoint senators. Augustus, himself raised certain men to senatorial rank, his friend and co-ruler Marcus Agrippa, was just one.

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Q: Who made up the senate of ancient rome?
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Who controlled the senate in the ancient Roman republic?

If a senator chose to be active in politics, his job was to debate and vote on issues. His job during the period of the emperors was to advise and consent. At any time he could put up a proposal for a law and have it debated in the senate. He also acted as a kind of juror for treason trials of high ranking citizens.

How was ancient Rome ruled?

Ancient Rome was a republic. This consisted of many different classes of men. There were to consuls, who acted as people with half the power as presidents, with the ability to veto, 300 patricians who made up the senate and were mainly second class, and if a decision was not able to be made between the consuls, a dictator was chosen to rule for a short six month term.

The largest social class in Egypt or ancient Rome was made up of A artisans B soldiers C farmers D traders?

the largest social class in Egypt of ancient Rome was made up of A artisans B farmers C soldiers D traders b.farmer

The largest social class in Egypt or ancient Rome was made up of what?

The largest social class in ancient Egypt and ancient Rome was farmers due to the rising population. Farmers made up the largest social class in both in Egypt and Ancient Rome and in every society up to the industrial revolution in the 19th century. Peasant farmers were the largest class in all pre-industrial societies.

How were social classes divided in ancient Rome?

Five of the social classes in ancient Rome were the patricians, the plebeians, the equites, freedmen and slaves.

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Who was the man that was made up of 300 man in Rome?

It was the Senate.

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the largest social class in Egypt or ancient rome was made up of what

What was a government made up of two houses called in ancient Rome?

There was not a name for a government made up of two houses in ancient Rome because Rome did not have this type of government.

What did the legastive body used to be called?

The legislative body in ancient Rome used to be called the Roman Senate. It was responsible for making laws and decisions that governed the Roman Republic. The Senate was made up of Roman aristocrats and served as an advisory council to the consuls, who were elected leaders of Rome.

Who made up the low class in ancient Rome?

The plebeians.

Who created branches?

The members of the constitutional convention came up with a checks and balances system made to make it so no branch held more power than the other. The branches were conrtived from ancient countries like Rome (the Roman Republic which had a senate) and Ancient Greece (Athens had a senate).

Who controlled the senate in the ancient Roman republic?

If a senator chose to be active in politics, his job was to debate and vote on issues. His job during the period of the emperors was to advise and consent. At any time he could put up a proposal for a law and have it debated in the senate. He also acted as a kind of juror for treason trials of high ranking citizens.

How was ancient Rome ruled?

Ancient Rome was a republic. This consisted of many different classes of men. There were to consuls, who acted as people with half the power as presidents, with the ability to veto, 300 patricians who made up the senate and were mainly second class, and if a decision was not able to be made between the consuls, a dictator was chosen to rule for a short six month term.

What people comprised the roman senate?

Mostly Patricians made up the Ancient Roman Senate, although there were ten tribunes to speak out for the Plebeians.

What was the chief governing body of Rome during the republic?

In ancient Rome the Roman Senate had for centuries proposed appointments and laws to govern the empire. This body changed in numbers and make up over the centuries, however, for the most part the Senate was the most important part of the Roman government.

What was ancient Rome's third branch?

I don't know... But I think it's made up of pleiblans

The largest social class in Egypt or ancient Rome was made up of A artisans B soldiers C farmers D traders?

the largest social class in Egypt of ancient Rome was made up of A artisans B farmers C soldiers D traders b.farmer