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Q: Who married perseus?
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Who married Andromeda?


Who rescued Andromeda?

Perseus, who married her afterwards.

Who did Andromeda marry?

Andromeda married Perseus.

Who killed Medusa and married Andromeda?

The hero Perseus did.

Who was the betrothed of Andromeda?

Phineus however, Andromeda married Perseus.

Were Zeus and Danae married?

No, Zeus and Danae were not married. In Greek mythology, Zeus impregnated Danae by transforming into a shower of gold and entering her chamber, resulting in the birth of Perseus.

In the Perseus story the princess?

Princess Danae, his mother.Princess Andromeda, who he saved and married.

Who are the children of perseus?

The children of Perseus, a figure in Greek mythology, include Perseides and Gorgophone. Perseides are his sons, including Perses, Alcaeus, Heleus, and Electryon. Gorgophone is his daughter, who married Oebalus.

Was Mythical Perseus gay or bisexual?

Not largely, if at all. Perseus was married to Andromeda. However, there's a lot of homosexuality in Greek mythology. He could have easily been bisexual. :P

What was Perseus story?

Perseus was married to Andromeda and was one of the first heroes of Greek mythology. He defeated the Gorgon, was the king of Mycenae and rode a winged horse named Pegasus.

Is Perseus kind?

Perseus was a hero, so technically he was kind. When he saved Ariadne, he fell in love. They went on journeys, then Perseus told Ariadne he would take her back to Greece so they would get married. Instead, they stopped on an island where Perseus abandoned her. So, you could say that heroes are kind, but to abandon someone on an island isn't very kind.

Is Perseus the son of Poseidon?

No, Perseus is not the son Poseidon. Perseus was the son of Zeus.