19th Century revolutionary, Sergei Nechayev after killing a friend.
Niccolo Machiavelli stressed this in his masterpiece The Prince. This idea paved the way for modern political science.
Alan means, Handsome, Cheerfull and Noble aparently.. Although something said it means precious..
yes, she is, because she chose the asp as method to end her life. The asp is a symbol of royalty to the egyptians and is said to make people immortal.
Hades is not hell, it means the afterlife. It is said to be the realm of conscious departed spirits and never referred to as the grave.
The last name Frazer is said to come from Scotland. It was derived from the French word "Fraises", which means strawberry.
NiccolΓ² Machiavelli is often associated with the idea that "the end justifies the means" in his book "The Prince," where he discusses the idea that rulers should do whatever is necessary to maintain power and achieve their goals.
"the end justifies the means"
"the end justifies the means"
Albert Einstein.
"In the actions of men, and especially of Princes, from which there is no appeal, the end justifies the means." - Niccoló Machiavelli, The Prince. 1537
The end justifies the means.
the end justifies the means
Mahatma Gandhi
Absolutely, the end always justifies the means and if the means is patience then so be it.
The believe the end justifies the means.
end justifies the means