It is most likely said by Bacchus (Greek: Dionisyius) in the Midas story, for Midas was extremely sad because of the things that happened, and Bacchus (for it was a roman story, therefore using his latin name) most likely asked that and then told him how to get rid of the gift.
So I rule all this wealth with no great joy. You must have heard my story from your fathers, whoever they are-what hardships I endured
No, Hades is not the god of wealth. Though he is very wealthy with all the riches underground. Fistfuls of rubies, diamonds, and many more immeasurable riches. He is the god of the underworld and death, and that is all.
Hades, for all the wealth of the underworld (it's mineral and seedlings) is his domain.
all of them because the aztecs are boss.
Equality for all Spartan citizens.
So I rule all this wealth with no great joy. You must have heard my story from your fathers, whoever they are-what hardships I endured
all the money was wasted in the war.
Google "Web Wealth Strategies" - First result is from "Rip-off Report" Scam. That says it all
I can give you several sentences.He has a great deal of wealth.Health is wealth.The old man gave away all of his wealth.
in a Communist or command economy the government decides where people live what jobs they will preform and their income. thy also control all land and wealth.
Great Britain has a wealth of art on display in Museums, Galleries and Public Locations all over the Island.
All his wealth should be divided equally between the families on both
Dr. Q. says.. can you imagine being a millionare confined to a wheelchair unable to have sex and do sport and many other activities? health comes first over wealth Lotte 347 says... I really agree with Dr. Q. You can be as rich as you want, but even with all of this money, you cannot buy your health back. Health is definitely more important than wealth.
In Islamic history ,the abbasid pariod is known as ' the age of wealth and culture'learing and education in all fields were encourraged greek and latin works were translated and medical schools were set up. Mamoon established the Bait-ul-hikmah-house of wisdom-in baghdad
I believe that the first person to rule all of Greece was Alexander the Great from Macedonia.