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The goddess Athena (Greek counterpart of Minerva) sprang fully armored from the head of her father, Zeus.

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Q: Who sprang fully armored from the head of her father?
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Who split Zeus' head with an axe?

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She sprang not only fully grown, but fully armed from the head of Zeus

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Athena did not have a childhood. She sprang forth from Zeus's head fully grown.

Who are goddess Athena's parents?

Zeus was her father. There was no mother. Some say the mother was Metis, who existed as a fly which Zeus had swallowed. But Athena sprang fully grown out of Zeus' head.

Who are Athena the goddess's parents?

Zeus was her father. There was no mother. Some say the mother was Metis, who existed as a fly which Zeus had swallowed. But Athena sprang fully grown out of Zeus' head.

Which method relates to the miraculous nature of Athene's birth?

She sprang, fully grown, out of Zeus' head.

Who sprang the forehead of Zeus?

athena. she came out the top of his head dressed in armor and fully grown

How was Athena treated?

Treated?? Do you mean created?? She sprang fully grown and armed from the head of Zeus.

What goddess sprouted straight out of Zeus' head?

Athena sprang fully grown and armored from Zeus' head after he swallowed her mother, Metis, to prevent her from giving birth to a child who would surpass him in power. Athena is the goddess of wisdom, warfare, and crafts in Greek mythology.

Who was sprouted out of Zeus' head full-grown?

Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, sprang fully grown and armored from Zeus' head. Legend has it that Zeus swallowed Metis, who was pregnant with Athena, which led to her birth in this unusual manner.