The Greek columns were so important to the people, since it provided them a temple and a memorization of people back then.
The Parthenon Temple.
A temple in Greece that honors Athena(a Greek goddess)
The Parthenon was designed by Phidias, a famous sculptor, at the behest of Pericles, a Greek politician credited with the founding of the city of Athens and with stimulating the so-called "Golden Age of Greece". The Greek architects Ictinos and Callicrates supervised the practical work of the consturction. Alternate spellings for these names include Iktinos, Kallikrates, and Pheidias - there is no official transliteration of Greek into English.
The Temple of Athens I think.
Imhotep, an ancient Egyptian architect, greatly influenced the design and construction of the Greek Temple. His innovative architectural achievements, such as the Step Pyramid at Saqqara, served as inspiration for later architectural styles and designs, including those of Greek temples.
Temple of ZeusStatue of Zeus
The Parthenon.
The Greek columns were so important to the people, since it provided them a temple and a memorization of people back then.
The construction of the temple of Artemis at Ephesus was funded by wealthy individuals, citizens of Ephesus, and other Greek city-states. A significant portion of the funds also came from the wealthy king of Lydia, Croesus.
The Greek name of Zeus\' temple in Athens, Greece is Olympieion.
The Lincoln memorial was made after the Greek temple the Parthenon.
Greek revival
The temple of Delphi held the Oracle, a young woman who could communicate the future from the Greek god Apollo and provide solutions to peoples problems
Yes, the Temple of Delphi is dedicated to Apollo, the Greek god of prophecy, healing, and music. It was an important religious sanctuary where the Oracle of Delphi would deliver prophecies.
This temple was once known as the Theseum, and is an ancient Greek temple. It was built sometime between 460 B.C. and 420 B.C. It is the best preserved Greek temple.
the zues temple is the greek gods house.