Zeno of Citium was the founder of the Stoic school of philosophy in Athens. He taught Plato and Aristotle and Protagoras.
Stoicism is a school of philosophic thought founded during the Hellenistic civilization time. This particular school of thought, founded by Zeno of Citium, taught that emotions resulted from judgment errors.
zeno was a geometry sciency person and developed some type of geomeotry i am not sure which one tho i cant find it? any luck? Also Zeno is the evil twin brother of Zatch on Zatch Bell!
We do not know where he was born but he died in Alexandria, Egypt.
He was taught music by Damon and mathematics by Zeno of Elea.
Zeno's form of philosophy is called Zeno's Paradoxes.
Zeno Klinker's birth name is Zeno Floyd Klinker.
Valerio Zeno's birth name is Valerio-Ciro Zeno.
Zeno Hakl's birth name is Zeno Otton Hackl.
Norman Zeno died in May 1983, in Hillsborough, Florida, USA.
Zeno of Citium is the Greek philosopher who founded the Stoic school of philosophy in Athens in the early 3rd century BC. He taught that virtue is the only good and that we should focus on what is within our control.
where did the zeno brothers come from
Zeno Vendler was born in 1921.
Zeno Vendler died in 2004.
Zeno of Sidon was born in -150.
Zeno of Sidon died in -75.