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Aeneas; and by the way, this isn't a 'greek myth' question. This is a latin hero.

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Orpheus attempted this and failed to return with Eurydice.

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Q: Who traveled to the underworld to bring back his lover?
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Who traveled to Hades to bring back his lover?

Orpheus went to Hades, the Greek Underworld, to bring back his wife Eurydice.

What god went back into the underworld to find his lover when she died?

The god Dionysus descended into the underworld to bring his mother Semele (and perhaps also his wife Ariadne) back from the dead.

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What are the pwoers of dionysus?

He can make a person go mad and he can bring back a person from the underworld.

What special powers and responsibility does Dionysus have?

His power is to bring dead people back from the underworld

Why does Odysseus travel to the underworld?

Odysseus traveled to the underworld so that he could talk to Thiresias who had been dead for several years. Thiresias was a great fore teller and could tell Odysseus how to get back to Ithaca.

Can dionysus bring people back from the dead of the underworld?

As a god, yes, he brought back his mother Semele and she became the goddess Thyone.

Will Poseidon rise again to human form?

many believe that the ancient gods will find their souls and bring themselves back from the underworld.

Did Hercules have to go get Persephone as one of his 12 tasks?

He did not. However, he did have to go to the underworld and bring back Cerebus, the three headed dog guarding the underworld, but it was Zeus who brought back Persephone. P.S- Persephone ate 6 pomegranet seeds, so to be fair to Hades and Demeter, Persephone was forced to stay in the underworld for 6 months every year.