Aegisthus was the son of Thyestes and his daughter, Pelopia. He was Clytemnestra's lover, though she was married to Agamemnon, and helped her kill him.
Aegisthus killed Agamemnon because he sought revenge for Agamemnon's father, Atreus, who had wronged Aegisthus' family in the past. Additionally, Aegisthus was also motivated by his desire to take Agamemnon's throne and power for himself.
Agamemnon's father, Atreus, displaced Aegisthus' father on the throne.
Aegisthus didn't actually kill Agamemnon, Clytaemnestra actually killed Agamemnon by stabbing him after luring him in for a bath after returning from Troy. Aegisthus does however help Clytaemnestra plot his death after seducing her.
he kills Aegisthus
to emphasize that women are troublesome
Sematura aegisthus was created in 1781.
Aegisthus killed Agamemnon because he sought revenge for Agamemnon's father, Atreus, who had wronged Aegisthus' family in the past. Additionally, Aegisthus was also motivated by his desire to take Agamemnon's throne and power for himself.
Agamemnon's father, Atreus, displaced Aegisthus' father on the throne.
Agamemnon's father, Atreus, displaced Aegisthus' father on the throne.
Aegisthus didn't actually kill Agamemnon, Clytaemnestra actually killed Agamemnon by stabbing him after luring him in for a bath after returning from Troy. Aegisthus does however help Clytaemnestra plot his death after seducing her.
he killed Aegisthus
he kills Aegisthus
Aegisthus is singled out by Zeus as an example of how men blamed the gods for what their own wickedness had spawned. Aegisthus was killed by Orestes, as Aegisthus killed Orestes' father, Agamemnon. He had been warned by Hermes that the death of the son of Atreus would be avenged by Orestes, yet this did not restrain him from killing Agamemnon.
he had taken another man's wife and had the man killed.
to emphasize that women are troublesome