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In traditional myths, he is the son of Zeus, King of the Gods, and a human princess, Alchema of Tiryns. Zeus had several affairs. The Disney movie bowdlerized it to change his mother to Hera, Zeus' wife

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Q: Who was Hercules parents?
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How did Hercules kill his parents?

Hercules did not kill his parents. He killed his children.

Does Disney's Hercules have a cyclops in it?

no it has hades gods and Hercules parents

Are Zeus and Hera Hercules' parents?

No, Hercules is the son of Zeus and Alcmene. Since Hera is the wife of Zeus, she did not have much affection for Hercules, nor for Alcmene.

Who are Heracles' parents?

Hercules' father was Zeus and his mother was a mortal woman named Alcmene.

Was Hercules born a hero?

Hercules was a demi-god, meaning that one of his parents was a god, and the other was a mortal. He wasn't necessarily born a hero, but became one through his deeds.

Is Hercules immortal?

In the Disney animated film, Hercules was born immortal (as both of his parents are gods) and becomes mortal after drinking a potion. He regains his immortality after proving he is a "true hero" but chooses to stay mortal so he can be with Meg.

According to Greek mythology.Who were Hercules's parents?

Zeus and Alcmene. Alcmene and Zeus conceived him but he was also raised by Amphitryon (Alcmene's husband).

Where is the Hercules Library in Hercules located?

The address of the Hercules Library is: 109 Civic Dr., Hercules, 94547 1771

Where is the Hercules Historical Society in Hercules California located?

The Hercules Historical Society in Hercules, California is located at 2114 Redwood Rd, Hercules, CA 94547.

Was Hercules gay?

Hercules was bisexual.

What is the statue of Hercules?

a statue of Hercules

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