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Leda was the daughter of King Thestius, and the wife of King Tyndareus. The god Zeus (Jupiter in Roman mythology) appeared to her as a swan, and seduced her. Since she also slept with her husband, two of her children were mortal, and two were immortal. They were also hatched from eggs. Her children were Helen (better known as the beautiful Helen of Troy), Clytemnestra, Castor and Pollux (also known as Polydeuces). Between Castor and Pollux, Pollux was usually the immortal one.

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Q: Who was Leda in Roman mythology?
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In Greek and Roman mythology who were Castor and Pollux?

In Greek and Roman mythology, Castor and Pollux (who was also called Polydeuces), were twin brothers who were both the sons of Leda, but Castor was the mortal son of Tyndareus and Pollux was the son of Zeus. Yes, twin sons with different fathers.

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Leda, the Queen of Sparta, is the mother of Castor and Pollux. According to Greek mythology, Leda gave birth to the twins after being seduced by Zeus in the form of a swan.

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The constellation representing the pet of Leda, a figure from Greek mythology, is Canis Major. Canis Major is often associated with Leda's faithful dog named Maera.

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M. A. Dwight has written: 'Grecian and Roman mythology for schools' -- subject(s): Classical Mythology 'Grecian and Roman mythology' -- subject(s): Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology 'Grecian and Roman mythology' -- subject(s): Classical Mythology, Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology

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Leda's daughter's name was Helen of Troy. She was famously considered to be the most beautiful woman in the world and was a central figure in Greek mythology.

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Roman mythology did not have sects.

Who was the Greek maiden tricked by Zeus when he changed her into a swan?

In Greek mythology, Zeus tricked Leda, a Spartan queen, by disguising himself as a swan and seducing her. As a result of their union, Leda bore both Helen of Troy and Pollux among others.

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Leda was the mother of Helen in greek mythology. Zeus took her in the form of a swan, and she gave birth to her children like a swan would- with eggs.