Ramses II married 8 women. 1st was Nefertari, 2nd was Istnofret, third was Bint-Anath, 4th was Aerytamun, 5th was Nebettawy, 6th was Henutmire, 7th was Maathomefuerure, and the 8th was a Hittite princess. learn more at www.touregypt.net. when you get there, go to search, type queens of Ramses. when you done with that, look for Queens of Ramses II by Jimmy Dunn
Supposedly his wife and some of his ministers killed him, but for what reason I don't know.
Ramses was great enemies with the Hittities. They wared and it was a tie. Of course Ramses declared victory. Then he made a peace treaty with them. [which was the first known peace treaty]
He was the first pharaoh. :)
He had a lot: Nefertari, Isetnofret, Maathorneferure, Meritamen, Bintanath, Nebettawy, and Henutmire.
he is the most critical
Ramses II's favorite wife is Nefertiti but we know little about her. Ramses II built a temple for her and she had a beautiful tomb.
because she iis iinsane
15 wifes that is the answer
she was not a wife to pharaoh Ramses she was the chief wife to pharaoh akhenaten.
Yes, Yes he did
Supposedly his wife and some of his ministers killed him, but for what reason I don't know.
Yes, she was the favorite of his several wives. i thought that was Ramses ii wife
Supposedly his wife and some of his ministers killed him, but for what reason I don't know.
Ramses was great enemies with the Hittities. They wared and it was a tie. Of course Ramses declared victory. Then he made a peace treaty with them. [which was the first known peace treaty]
Hatshepsut was part of the 18th Dynasty, and Ramses I ruled in the 19th. Hatshepsut ruled and lived before Ramses.
iis a olden day car