Chione or Khione was the goddess of snow. she was the offspring of Boreas god of the north wind and Orithyia the goddess of chill mountain winds.
Her Roman name is just Chione.
Chione caught the eye of Hermes and she gave birth to Autolycus- the father of Laertes who proved himself in both the hunt for the Calydonian boar and the quest for the Golden Fleece. Laertes was the father of Odysseus.
Chione and Cleopatra were his daughters from his union with Oreithyia. Oupis and Loxo and Hekaerge were his Nymphs of Hyperborea daughters of unknown mother. The Aurae (Breezes) were also daughters of Boreas; also called daughters of the Titan Oceanus.
She was no goddess, if she had been, she would have been immortal. She was the daughter of Daedalion. She was so beautiful that even the gods fell in love with her. Because her beauty led to vanity and pride, Artemis killed her. This story was told by Ovid, who does not mention the place.
yes Boreas is the North Wind, a winter god - his daughter Chione is goddess of snow.Read more: Who_is_the_Greek_god_or_goddess_of_snow-Emily
Chione cancellata was created in 1767.
James Chione was born on March 18, 1940, in Aurora, Illinois, USA.
Most likely Artemis killed her with her arrows. Artemis killed Chione because she became too vain after an affair with Apollo.
the wateress of Rome
Chione, in Greek mythology, is often associated with snow and ice. One of her symbols could be a snowflake or a winter flower like the narcissus.
Her Roman name is just Chione.
Well it depends on which Chione you are talking about. There are many in Greek Mythology.----Chione (daughter of Boreas), mother of Eumolpus by PoseidonChione (daughter of Daedalion), mother of Philammon and Autolycus by Apollo and Hermes respectivelyChione (daughter of Callirrhoe), who was changed into a snow cloudChione (daughter of Arcturus), who was abducted by Boreas and bore him three sonsChione, mother of Priapus by DionysusChione, one of the Niobids
Autolycus was not a Greek God but a cleaver thief, the son of Hermes and Chione whose twin Philammon was the son of Apollo.
Odysseus's family included the following Chione + Hermes Chalcomedusa + Arcisius + Autolycus Laertes + Anticlea Periboea + Icaruis Odysseus + Penelope Telemachus + Circe Latinus
Snowikus! Ular is the snow you 'ride' on one plank or must pray to Ular...Ular is the one who is responsible for dropping light fluffy flakes on the mountains for us to enjoy...please pray to Ular for all of us...
Yes, she is, but the correct Greek spelling of her name would be Khione. She was the goddess of snow. Her parents were Boreas and a nymph. The way you spelled it would be the Roman's way.Credits:The Lost Hero